MLL-Kolloquium: Prof. Alan Chen (McMaster University/Canada and 'Universe'-Cluster): On using exotic ion beams to study the production of galactic Aluminum-26
(ground floor) (LMU Lecture Hall, Am Coulombwall 1, Garching)
(ground floor)
LMU Lecture Hall, Am Coulombwall 1, Garching
The goal of understanding the production of galactic Al-26 brings
together progress in nuclear astrophysics from observations, theory,
meteoritics, and laboratory experiments. In the case of experimental
work, nuclear reactions involving unstable isotopes are being studied to
elucidate the production of Al-26 in stellar explosive nucleosynthesis.
This colloquium will discuss recent experiments carried out by our
McMaster group to study such reactions with radioactive ion beams at
various accelerator laboratories worldwide; in the process, it will also
provide a survey of some of the different techniques currently used in
laboratory experiments on the origin of the elements.