Thomas Siegert
On 21 Jan. 2014, SN2014J was discovered in M82 and found to be the closest type Ia supernova (SN Ia) in the last 4 decades. INTEGRAL started to observe 14J in the end of January and pointed to it until late June. SNe Ia lightcurves are powered by the radioactive decay of iron peak elements of which 56Ni is dominantly synthesized. Canonical models see 56Ni buried deeply in the SN cloud, absorbing most of the early gamma-rays. Only the consecutive decay of 56Co should be observable several months after the explosion. Nontheless, INTEGRAL detected 56Ni gamma-ray lines shortly after the explosion and also provided a first gamma-ray lightcurve from the 56Co decay. We will discuss deeper insights about the explosion morphology from the temporal evolution of 56Ni decay chain gamma-rays.