Tehseen Rug
We suggest a new approach to solve various puzzles arising in quantum field theory in curved spacetime. In this approach we view Minkowski spacetime as the only fundamental vacuum. Any other background should be resolved as quantum bound state of gravitons. Classical results, in particular the notion of spacetime geometry, are recovered in the limit of an infinite constituent number. For a finite number of gravitons, we find corrections to semi-classical expectations. We argue that these corrections could be the key for solving all black hole mysteries. Using methods inspired by non-perturbative QCD, we compute observables such as the particle density and energy density inside a black hole. This leads to simple scaling relations between the mass and total particle number. Furthermore, we show how these observables can be embedded naturally in scattering processes. Thus, the information about the internal structure of a black hole is at least in principle accessible to an observer outside the black hole. We conclude with a short summary and give an outlook for future research.