Aoife Bharucha
The LHC has been tremendously successful in pushing the limits on SUSY particle (sparticle) masses towards the TeV scale, particularly for coloured sparticles. As the production of electroweak sparticles (electroweakinos) is suppressed, the LHC is in principle less sensitive to them. However, as the bounds on the coloured sector become stronger, these channels become increasingly interesting. Moreover, constraints on the SUSY electroweak sector are particularly important for the study of dark matter (DM), as the lightest neutralino is a potential DM candidate. Aoife will review the limits on electroweak particles from the LHC, concentrating on chargino-neutralino production the limits on which require careful interpretation, and the relation of monojet searches to dark matter experiments. She will further discuss how the current limits will be improved by the LHC at 14 TeV and future colliders.