Direct Dark Matter Detection: Experiment meets Theory

E.0.11 (MPA)



Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1 85748 Garching
Alejandro Ibarra, Christian Forssen, Federica Petricca, Jan Conrad, Riccardo Catena
Data from second generation detectors will soon be released. The aim of the workshop is to bring together theoretical and experimental physicists working in the broadly defined field of dark matter direct detection in order to identify optimal strategies for the analysis of these new data. The workshop will host presentations on the theory of dark matter scattering by nuclei and electrons in atoms and on the associated astrophysical and nuclear physics uncertainties. At the same time, emphasis will be placed on the physics reach of the existing experimental techniques, and on the prospects of newly proposed detection strategies. Topics to be covered in the workshop include: - Status report on direct detection experiments - Sub-GeV dark matter direct detection - Effective theory approach to dark matter scattering - Astrophysical uncertainties - Nuclear structure function calculation - Complementarity of different detection strategies