Check out the Invisibles18 school in

SFB & GSSI Geant4 school

Telescopium auditorium (ESO)

Telescopium auditorium


Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, Garching b. München.

Registration is closed.

This course is addressed to PhD students and postdocs of the SFB.


The course will present a full overview of the main characteristics of the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit, including Geant4 installation for Linux, geometry, tracking and physics processes. The goal of the course is to make the participants able to install Geant4 and to implement their own simple Geant4-based applications.


The course will cover one week (Monday-Friday), with both theoretical lessons (approx. 20 hours) and hands-on practical sessions (approx. 16 hours).

Venue & Timeschedule

Further information on the venue and timetable will be posted on this web site.


Basic knowledge of the C++ computing language and a private laptop. A ready-for-the-use Virtual Machine (CentOs7) has been prepared and can be downloaded from this link. (8 GB). The VM includes a working installation of Geant4 10.4, compiled with a few commonly-used graphical drivers, of ROOT (and more).
Once the VM is unpacked (total size about 20 GB), it can be run by using VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a freeware software available for MacOS, Windows and some flavours of Linux: it can be downloaded from
The credentials to access the VM are user/user (administrator is root/infn2018, to be used with care).
All students are invited to download the VM well before the course and to give it a try. A local instance of the VM will be provided as a last-chance solution, for students having a Linux laptop not compatible with VirtualBox.


Dr. G.A. Pablo Cirrone (INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS))

Dr.  Luciano Pandola (INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS))

Dr.  Giada Petringa (INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS))

Local Organizers

Matteo Agostini (TUM)

Elizabeth Mondragón Cortés (TUM)