1:25 PM
Evolution of galactic magnetic fields in HI defined interaction stages.
Ancor Damas
(Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (iaa-CSIC))
1:26 PM
Spin alignment in CHILES
Julia Gross
(Columbia University)
1:27 PM
A new perspective on group finding
Zackary Hutchens
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
1:28 PM
The impact of local photoionization sources on simulated galaxies: evolution of HI disks
Aura Obreja
(University Observatory Munich)
1:29 PM
Properties of AU-scale structure from 21-SPONGE observations
Daniel Rybarczyk
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
1:30 PM
Predictions of detections of high mass galaxies in CHILES
Monica Sanchez Barrantes