10:00 AM
Chemical Mitosis (PI: Oliver Trapp, LMU)
- Prof.
Oliver Trapp
(LMU, Department of Chemistry)
10:20 AM
Self-triggering muon drift chambers (PIs S. Kortner, H. Kroha, MPP)
- Dr
Oliver Kortner
10:40 AM
A compact and triggerless multi-channel sampling-ADC for particle detectors (PIs Jan Friedrich, Stephan Paul,TUM)
- Dr
Jan Friedrich
11:00 AM
Electret Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (PI O. Biebel, D. Schaile, LMU)
- Dr
Christoph Jagfeld
10:00 AM
Spin-sensitive ultra-cold neutron detection (PI P. Fierlinger, TUM)
- Dr
Hanno Filter
(Atominstitut der TU Wien)
10:20 AM
Meanders to count neutrons (PIs R. Gernhäuser, P. Fierlinger, TUM)
- Prof.
Peter Fierlinger
(TU München)
10:40 AM
Interactive visualization of 3D galactic dust maps (PI T. Enßlin, MPA, LMU)
- Dr
Reimar Leike
(Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
11:00 AM
Test of a prototype production facility for resistive plate chambers (PI Kroha, MPP)
- Dr
Hubert Kroha
11:20 AM
Readout chip architecture for very high counting rates in precision muon detectors at future colliders (PI Kroha, MPP)
- Dr
Hubert Kroha