1:00 PM
Mara Salvato, ALL
1:20 PM
Black Holes/Saturons
Gia Dvali
1:45 PM
AGN evolution processes: black hole spin, accretion and feedback in hydrodynamical simulations
Luca Sala
2:05 PM
Reconstructing the Page curve of evaporating black holes through quantum extremal islands and replica wormholes
Alessandra Gnecchi
2:30 PM
Variability in BH growth”
Johannes Buchner
2:50 PM
--- Coffee Break at the park: https://gather.town/app/mpGWMBEtZG9Zry6R/CN-1%20ORIGINS ---
3:10 PM
On the geometry of gravitational scattering
Ivo Sachs
3:35 PM
Testing GR with SgrA*
Stefan Gillessen
4:00 PM
X-ray Quasi-Periodic Eruptions in the eROSITA era
Riccardo Arcodia
4:20 PM
On asymptotic symmetries in spatially flat FLRW
Martin Enriquez Rojo
4:45 PM
Discussion: what next?