1:00 PM
Determination of sequence-dependent UV sensitivity of RNA polymers by next generation sequencing
- Dr
Christof Mast
(LMU Biophysics) Prof.
Dieter Braun
(LMU, Biophysics)
1:20 PM
Elucidating the role of early life in the evolution of organic carbon compounds
- Dr
D. Kanaparthi
(MPIB) Prof.
Oliver Trapp
(LMU, Department of Chemistry) Prof.
Petra Schwille
1:40 PM
A focused Cluster workshop on the Hubble tension
- Prof.
Sherry Suyu
Bruno Leibundgut
(ESO) Prof.
Wolfgang Hillebrandt
Stéphane Blondin
(ORIGINS Guest (PI Bruno Leibundgut) )
2:00 PM
Enhanced detection efficiency for X-ray and Gamma tracking by extended drift geometries in micropattern detectors
- Mr
Maximilian Rinnagel
(LMU) Mr
F. Vogel
(LMU) Mr
C. Jagfeld
(LMU) Ms
Katrin Penski
(LMU) Dr
Ralf Hertenberger
(LMU) Prof.
Otmar Biebel
2:20 PM
Mesophere Magnetometry
- Prof.
Stephan Paul
Martin Losekamm
(Technische Universität München) Prof.
Peter Fierlinger
(TU München)
2:40 PM
LArBox - A glovebox facility for characterizing cryogenic electronics in liquid Argon
- Prof.
Stefan Schönert
(TUM) Prof.
Susanne Mertens
Michael Willers