12:20 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Cesar Hernandez Aguayo -- Cosmological simulations in the presence of massive neutrinos
2:30 PM
Christian Partmann -- Fast simulations of cosmic large-scale structure with massive neutrinos
2:45 PM
Petter Taule -- Neutrinos in large-scale structure beyond linear theory
3:00 PM
Vivian Poulin -- Neutrino decays
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Miguel Escudero -- Short-range neutrino interactions in cosmology
4:15 PM
Iván Esteban -- Long-range neutrino interactions in cosmology
4:45 PM
Julia Stadler -- Dark Matter-neutrino interactions
5:00 PM
Discussion Session
7:00 PM
--- Dinner at Schneider Bräuhaus ---