12:10 PM
Heavy Ions & Saturation Physics
Heikki Mäntysaari
(University of Jyväskylä)
(Room Bohr)
12:35 PM
Photon-hadron (jet) production in pA collissions at the LHC and its connection to DIS at EIC
- Dr
Jamal Jalilian-Marian
(Baruch College)
(Room Bohr)
1:00 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:30 PM
The EIC detector and R&D plans
- Dr
Dalla Torre Silvia
(Room Bohr)
3:00 PM
ECFA detector R&D roadmap and synergy with EIC
Philip Patrick Allport
(University of Birmingham (UK))
(Room Bohr)
3:30 PM
ALICE ITS3 project and R&D
- Dr
Magnus Mager
(Room Bohr)
3:55 PM
SiPM R&D roadmap for LHC and EIC
- Prof.
Samo Korpar
(University of Maribor)
(Room Bohr)
4:20 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:45 PM
Far-forward BSM and neutrino physics program at the LHC and beyond
- Dr
Sebastian Trojanowski
(Room Bohr)
5:10 PM
Muon puzzle in air showers and its connection to the LHC
- Dr
Hans Dembinski
(TU Dortmund)
(Room Bohr)
5:35 PM
Charm production in collisions at the EIC, LHC, and in the atmosphere
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
(University of Hamburg)
(Room Bohr)
7:00 PM
--- Workshop Dinner ---