12:00 PM
--- Arrivals and Lunch ---
1:30 PM
Opening and Welcome
Stephan Paul
Andreas Burkert
1:40 PM
6 Recent Cluster Highlights / 15 min each
(until 3:25 PM)
1:40 PM
Antihelium nuclei as messengers from the depths of the galaxy
Stephan Koenigstorfer
1:55 PM
Complete RNA replication cycles in a Hadean microcompartment system
Annalena Salditt
2:10 PM
The search for supersymmetry with ATLAS
Jonas Wuerzinger
2:25 PM
Long-term presence of liquid water on the surface of exomoons orbiting free-floating planets
Giulia Roccetti
2:40 PM
How could we probe the angular dependence of dark matter self-interactions?
Moritz Fischer
2:55 PM
Advanced numerical models of the thermal and non-thermal properties of the turbulent star forming interstellar medium
Thorsten Naab
(Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics)
3:10 PM
Simulation of non perturbative quantum field theory phenomena
Anthony Hartin
3:25 PM
--- Coffee & Tea & Posters & XR Demos for ORIGINS physics education ---
3:55 PM
PhD Awards 2022 - I
(until 4:35 PM)
3:55 PM
Laudatio to PhD Award Winner Riccardo Arcodia (MPE)
Peter Predehl
4:05 PM
PhD Award Thesis: Accretion onto black holes across the mass scale
Riccardo Arcodia
4:35 PM
In-situ planetary science
Philipp Reiss
5:00 PM
Biophysics 101
Ulrich Gerland
5:30 PM
ORIGINS Physics Education
Jochen Kuhn
5:45 PM
Seed Money Poster Session ; XR Demos for ORIGINS physics education
(until 6:30 PM)
6:30 PM
--- Dinner ---
8:30 PM
After Dinner Talk - ESO's Future Plans
Bruno Leibundgut