Toward Quantum Advantage in High Energy Physics

Herbert Walter Lecture Hall (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ))

Herbert Walter Lecture Hall

Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ)

Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1 85748 Garching

The advent of quantum computation presents the opportunity to solve problems presently intractable on classical computers. Within high energy physics, such problems include predicting particle collisions and determining equations of state in strongly coupled gauge theories at finite density, and beyond. At present, the resources and methods to obtain these results are subject of lively interdisciplinary debate. In parallel, classical methods like Monte Carlo, Tensor Networks, and Machine Learning will continue to develop, pushing the boundary for practical quantum advantage higher, while providing novel insights on strongly correlated quantum matter. This topical workshop will bring together experts in quantum and classical methods to discuss recent achievements in the field, and identify future challenges towards possible quantum advantage in high energy physics.

Please note that the number of seats to attend the workshop is limited. You will be informed ahead of the Topical Workshop whether you were selected for participation.
If you are invited for week 2 of the MIAPbP Program "Quantum Computing Methods for High Energy Physics", you are automatically registered for the Topical Workshop.