12:00 PM
(until 1:30 PM)
1:30 PM
Gravitational Waves
Valeriya Korol
(Max Planck for Astrophysics)
(until 3:00 PM)
1:30 PM
The revolutionary black hole science of LISA (Elena Maria Rossi)
2:00 PM
From (dormant) black-hole binaries to gravitational-wave sources (Jakub Klencki)
Jakub Klencki
(ESO Garching)
2:10 PM
Gravitational Wave Event Follow-Up with the Wendelstein Observatory (Daniel Gruen)
Daniel Gruen
(LMU Munich)
2:20 PM
Stellar black hole mergers as probes of cosmic chemical evolution (Martyna Chruslinska)
Martyna Chruslinska
2:30 PM
GWs from fisrt-order phase transitions (Henrique Rubira)
Henrique Rubira
2:40 PM
Asteroseismic Constraints on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (Earl Bellinger)
Earl Bellinger
(Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
2:50 PM
Gravitational waves from confined monopoles (Juan Sebastian Valbuena Bermudez)
Juan Sebastián Valbuena-Bermúdez
(MPP & LMU, Munich)
Juan Sebastian Valbuena Bermudez
3:00 PM
Henrique Rubira
Valeriya Korol
(Max Planck for Astrophysics)
(until 3:30 PM)
3:30 PM
Coffee break and discussion
(until 4:00 PM)
4:00 PM
Black Holes
Florian Kühnel
(MPP & LMU Munich)
(until 6:00 PM)
4:00 PM
Resolving Horizon-Scale Dynamics of Black Holes (Jakob Knollmüller)
Jakob Knollmüller
(ORIGINS Data Science Lab)
Jakob Knollmüller
(Max Planck Institue for Astrophysics)
4:10 PM
Forming massive seed BHs in the metal-enriched universe (Sunmyon Chon)
Sunmyon Chon
4:20 PM
The dead rise up: the distribution of compact remnants in the Galactic Underworld (David Sweeney)
David Sweeney
(Sydney University)
David Sweeney
(The University of Sydney)
4:30 PM
The early life of gravitational wave sources - detecting intermediate phases in double-compact object formation (Julia Bodensteiner)
Julia Bodensteiner
(European Southern Observatory)
4:40 PM
Intermediate mass black hole feedback in dwarf galaxy simulations with a resolved ISM and accurate nuclear stellar dynamics (Christian Partmann)
Christian Partmann
4:50 PM
Disc Wars: The Thin disc strikes back (Deepika Bollimpalli)
5:00 PM
Towards the mass function of isolated stellar mass black holes with interferometric follow up of microlensing (Antoine Mérand)
Antoine Mérand
(European Southern Observatory)
5:10 PM
How special are black holes? Correspondence with objects saturating unitarity bounds in generic theories (Oleg Kaikov)
Oleg Kaikov
(MPP & LMU, Munich)
5:20 PM
TBA (Gia Dvali)
Gia Dvali
(MPP & LMU, Munich)
7:30 PM
Social dinner
(until 10:00 PM)