RU-D "From Cosmic Large-Scale Structure to Galaxies, Stars and Planets" Science Day at the Excellence Cluster ORIGINS

auditorium Eridanus (ESO)

auditorium Eridanus


Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, Garching b. München.
Alexandre Barreira (LMU & ORIGINS Excellence Cluster), Eleonora Bianchi (Excellence Cluster ORIGINS), Eric Emsellem (ESO), Simona Vegetti (MPA)

We take the opportunity of a RU-D Day meeting to both promote science conducted within the Research Units Galaxy, Stars and Planets, as well as brainstorm for ORIGINS 2 proposals.

The two morning sessions will be dedicated to hearing from and discussing science from 12 contributors associated with RU-D.

During the two afternoon sessions, we will provide details on the framework of the follow-up of ORIGINS (ORIGINS 2) and the timeline that will serve the set up of objectives and projects. New ideas for connectors and projects will be exposed, followed by a brain-storming session.

You are strongly encourage to join us in the Eridanus Auditorium at ESO for a live meeting. For those who unfortunately cannot join, here is a link:

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