10:00 AM
Acylphosphate bond to create temporary lipid-based vesicles
Oleksii Zozulia
(TU Munich)
Job Boekhoven
(TU Munich )
10:20 AM
LavaLamp: fast and highly modifiable Phase-Field simulation API tailored to soft matter physics
George Dadunashvili
Erwin Frey
Alexander Ziepke
10:40 AM
Micropattern multi-layer charge spreading pixel detector
Ralf Hertenberger
Otmar Biebel
F. Vogel
Christof Jagfeld
11:00 AM
Mockup system for precise reconstruction of magnetic field noise sources for spin-clock experiments
Philipp Rößner
Peter Fierlinger
(TU München)
Florian Kuchler
(TUM )
11:20 AM
REmotely and indiVidually Operated planet-Longitudinally-spread Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (Revol-IACT)
David Paneque