Sep 19 – 22, 2023
Sala di Sant’Agata
Europe/Berlin timezone


Introductory talks

Sep 20, 2023, 9:00 AM
Sala di Sant’Agata

Sala di Sant’Agata


Introductory talks: Chiral Symmetry Breaking

  • Laura Fabbietti (TUM)

Introductory talks: Nuclei formation

  • Chiara Pinto (TUM)


Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral Symmetry Breaking is one of the fundamental effects within the realm of strong interaction and it is responsible for the large mass of hadrons, in comparison to the light quark masses. From a theoretical point of view, there is a spontenous chiral symmetry breaking and explicit ones. The first effect provides the largest contribution to the hadron mass and is due to specific properties of the ground state of QCD. The second effect is due to the finite mass of the quarks. Experimentally, people look for a clear signature of chiral symmetry restoration, meaning an evidence that a transition from the broken symmetry to a partially restored symmetry can be obtained in the laboratory, if conditions of high temperature or baryonic densities are realized. These searches have been carried out for decades, since a detailed understadning of the mechanism responsible for the hadron masses is key in nuclear physics. The intro will introduce the topic and provide some examples of experimental searches. More details will be discussed in the discussions during the meeting.

Nuclei formation: The creation mechanism of nuclei in hadron collisions is a complex problem governed by the collisions properties but also by the final state interaction of nucleons composing the nuclei of interest. A detailed understanding of these processes is not only interesting from the point of view of nuclear physics but also to infer on astrophysics processes such as the production of nuclei and antinuclei in cosmic rays interaction within the interstellar medium but also the conversion of dark matter into nuclei and antinuclei . In this introduction we will lay out the open physics questions and sketch the tools that are currently employed in modern nuclear physics to quantitatively understand nuclei production.

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