Sep 19 – 22, 2023
Sala di Sant’Agata
Europe/Berlin timezone


Chiral symmetry restoration - Dileptons

Sep 20, 2023, 4:00 PM
Sala di Sant’Agata

Sala di Sant’Agata


Chiral symmetry restoration - Dileptons

  • Igor Altsybeev (TUM)


Dileptons are one of the promising probes of the restoration of chiral symmetry in heavy-ion collisions since a virtual photon can propagate in a medium without disturbance.
The light vector mesons (ρ,ω and φ resonances) directly couple to the electromagnetic current correlator, which is the central ingredient in dilepton production,
and modify their properties in the medium that may produce multiple bumps and peaks around their vacuum masses.
These modifications could be revealed with various observables, such as invariant-mass spectra and azimuthal asymmetries.
Such measurements at LHC energies are nevertheless quite challenging due to a large combinatorial and physical backgrounds.
In this session, we will focus on the status of experimental studies of dilepton spectra in heavy-ion experiments,
as well as on the current understanding and interpretation of the results.

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