CN-1 Black Holes Afternoon

virtual (virtual)



Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 927 5392 6431 Passcode: 128802
Mara Salvato (MPE), Dieter Luest (LMU-Munich)

CN-1 Scientists and invited guests will meet to discuss their progress relative to the initial milestones and the organization of connector-1. 

CN-1.1: Quantum properties of black holes and their relations to observations milestones: i) computation of corrections to GR from quantum black hole modes and their signatures on black hole mergers (7 yrs); ii) investigation of a possible detection at the LHC (7 yrs)

CN-1.2: Black holes as Dark Matter milestones: i) deriving initial conditions for cosmological simulations from quantum gravity (1st 3.5 yrs); ii) cosmological simulations of the primordial black hole background (7 yrs).

CN-1.3: The Galactic centre black hole milestones: i) confirmation of GR effects and search for IMBHs through the monitoring of stellar orbits orbiting the Galactic SMBH (1st 3.5 yrs); ii) monitoring and analyses of gas emission in the vicinity of the Galactic SMBH (7 yrs)

CN-1.4: The spin of black holes milestone: developing a quantum model from the BEC condensate for spinning black holes and their experimental signatures in X-ray telescopes (7yrs).

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Meeting ID: 927 5392 6431

Passcode: 128802

  • Alessandra Gnecchi
  • Alice Smith-Gicklhorn
  • Andrea Merloni
  • Aura Obreja
  • David Bogensberger
  • Dieter Luest
  • Ioannis Lavdas
  • Ivo Sachs
  • Johannes Buchner
  • Joseph O'Leary
  • Juan Sebastian Valbuena Bermudez
  • Julien Wolf
  • Klaus Dolag
  • Luca Sala
  • Lucas Valenzuela
  • Mara Salvato
  • Martin Enriquez Rojo
  • Milena Valentini
  • Riccardo Arcodia
  • Stefan Gillessen
  • Till Heckelbacher
  • Vincenzo Mainieri
Dr. Mara Salvato