DPG 2023 Rehearsals

Berkin Ulukutlu (TUM), Chiara Pinto (TUM), Raffaele Del Grande (Technische Universität München), Thomas Klemenz, Valentina Mantovani Sarti (TUM)
    • 1
    • Femto 1
      Conveners: Raffaele Del Grande (Technische Universität München), Valentina Mantovani Sarti (TUM)
      • 2
        Understanding the dynamics of three-body systems using femtoscopy at the LHC

        Group Report on three body results (30 minutes)

        Speaker: Raffaele Del Grande (Technische Universität München)
      • 3
        Common emission source in small collision systems in the context of p$\Lambda$ correlations

        15 minutes

        Speaker: Jaime Gonzalez (TUM)
      • 4

        Please upload here your posters to be checked:
        - Maria
        - Bhawani
        - Anton, Georgios
        - Dima

        Speakers: Anton Riedel (TUM (E12)), Bhawani Singh (TUM), Dmytro Melnichenko, Georgios Mantzaridis (Technische Universität München (TUM)), Maria Leibelt (TUM)
      • 5

        Please upload here the slides to be checked:
        - Emma
        - Daniel

        Speakers: Daniel Battistini (TUM), Emma Chizzali
    • Hardware
      Conveners: Berkin Ulukutlu (TUM), Thomas Klemenz
      • 6
        Studying the Impact of Humidity on the Performance of MPGDs

        15 minutes

        Speaker: Henrik Fribert
      • 7
        Test and characterization of an experimental apparatus with bent MAPS and CsI scintillators

        15 minutes

        Speaker: Dr Laszlo Varga
      • 8
        Photon Detection with THGEMs

        Thomas is sick, rehearsal today is cancelled

        Speaker: Thomas Klemenz (TUM)
      • 9
        Beam test studies of bent MAPS for ALICE ITS3

        No need to rehearse

        Speakers: Lukas Lautner (CERN/Technische Universitat Munchen (DE)), Lukas Lautner
      • 10
        Quality Control for the ALICE TPC

        No need to rehearse

        Speaker: Berkin Ulukutlu (TUM)
    • Femto 2
      Conveners: Raffaele Del Grande (Technische Universität München), Valentina Mantovani Sarti (TUM)
      • 15
        Understanding the particle emitting source of ππ correlations from measurements in MB pp of ALICE at 13 TeV

        15 minutes

        Speaker: Maximilian Korwieser (TUM)
      • 16
        Investigating p--$\pi^+$ and p--$\pi^-$ femtoscopic correlations with ALICE at the LHC

        15 minutes

        Speaker: Marcel Lesch (TUM)
      • 17
        Speaker: Maria Leibelt (TUM)
    • SPECIAL SESSION: PhD defense Rehearsal
      Convener: Stephan Koenigstorfer (TUM)
      • 18
        PhD defense Rehearsal

        20 minutes

        Speaker: Stephan Koenigstorfer (TUM)
    • Nuclei 2
      Convener: Chiara Pinto (TUM)
      • 19
        ALICE determines the transparency of our galaxy to the passage of antihelium nuclei

        Plenary talk (30 minutes)

        Speaker: Laura Serksnyte
    • Flow and EbyE
      Conveners: Ante Bilandzic (Technical University of Munich), Igor Altsybeev (TUM)
      • 20
        Bayesian analysis by using higher-order flow measurements at the LHC

        15 minutes

        Speaker: Seyed Farid Taghavi (school of particles and accelerators, institute for research in fundamental sciences, Tehran, Iran)
      • 21
        Probing rapidity structure of A-A events with correlations of particle number ratios
        Speaker: Igor Altsybeev (TUM)