9:00 AM
Overview about the Nuclear Physics in Hungary
György Wolf
9:10 AM
ATOMKI host welcome
Zsolt Dombrádi
9:20 AM
ATOMKI tandetron activities
Nigel Mason
9:40 AM
ATOMKI isotope climatology centre
Timothy Jull
10:00 AM
ATOMKI at large scale laboratories
Dorottya Sohler
10:50 AM
Heavy-Ion Physics research at the Eötvös University
Dániel Kincses
11:10 AM
Heavy-ion Research in the Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Robert Vertesi
11:30 AM
Theoretical nuclear physics research at the Wigner RCP
György Wolf
11:50 AM
Development of a laser-based fast neutron source
Károly Osvay
12:10 PM