2:30 PM
KL → mu+mu- from lattice QCD
En-Hung Chao
2:35 PM
Sp(4) gauge theory as a DM candidate on the lattice
Yannick Dengler
2:40 PM
Parallel Tempered Metadynamics: Overcoming potential barriers without surfing or tunneling
Timo Eichhorn
2:45 PM
Determination of fK/fpi from 2+1+1 flavor 4-stout staggered lattices
Fabian Justus Frech
2:50 PM
Unearthing Quantum States from their Euclidean Shadows
Navya Gupta
2:55 PM
Constraining the Two-Nucleon Force in Chiral EFT from Three-Nucleon Data
Sven Heihoff
3:00 PM
Inclusive Lifetimes of B-hadrons from the lattice (via OPE and HQET)
Joshua Zexi Lin
3:10 PM
Toward Precision Fermi Liquid Theory in Flatland
William Marsh
3:15 PM
Static Potential from the lattice with gradient flow
Julian Mayer-Steudte
3:20 PM
B(s)(*) and D(s)(*) Decay Constants from Lattice QCD using the Heavy-HISQ Method
Kerr Miller
3:25 PM
Heavy quark physics using a massive nonperturbative renormalisation scheme on the lattice
Rajnandini Mukherjee
3:30 PM
The hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to muon (g-2) from a coordinate-space method
Julian Valentino Parrino
3:35 PM
Fighting the sign problem with contour deformations in a chiral random matrix model
Dávid Pesznyák