
Garchinger Maier-Leibnitz-Kolloquium: Can small be the next big thing? Advances in laser plasma accelerators and their future prospect

by Prof. Wim Leemans (Deutsches-Elektronen Synchrotron – DESY & Universität Hamburg)

Lecture Hall, ground floor (west) (LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching)

Lecture Hall, ground floor (west)

LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching


In laser-powered, plasma-based accelerators electrons surf on waves and can reach multi-GeV energy levels in a few 10’s of cm. If one relies on conventional methods, this would require machines multiple football fields long. Although many challenges remain, this new technology is at the brink of offering a profoundly different way in which we may build particle accelerators. An overview of the latest progress and the next steps in the R&D needed to advance this technology will be presented. Applications such as generation of intense radiation, injection into storage rings, future colliders or medical therapy will be discussed.

Hybrid access via ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 984 5733 2925
Passcode: 979953

Organized by

Peter Thirolf (LMU) / Norbert Kaiser (TUM)