ORIGINS Basement Seminar Room, second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM

Meetings typically consist of one 30 min talk followed by a 15 min discussion.

If you are interested in giving a talk please contact a member of the organizing committee.

Organizing Committee


We believe that our focus on the interdisciplinary aspect will be helpful for you when you write your own papers, thesis, or research proposals, because we are going to exchange ideas and experience not only on research methods, but also on scientific writing, presenting styles, and public outreach.
Papers fitting into this scope include

  • High-Impact Papers
  • Review papers
  • Interesting papers (according to the speaker)
  • Bad papers
  • Funny papers
  • Unpublished manuscripts (to receive feedback from peers)
There are 8 events in the past. Show There are 8 events in the past. Hide