Quarkonia: Morning
- Jean-Philippe Lansberg ()
We will report on recent developments of charmonium production within the statistical hadronisation model. Charmonium production as a function of centrality, rapidity and transverse momentum will be presented and compared to available LHC data. The model can be extended to all charmed mesons and baryons. Predictions for the transverse momentum spectra of exotic charmonium states are made for...
I will discuss recent lattice QCD results on equation of state, transition temperature, fluctuations of conserved charges and color screening at vanishing and non-zero baryon density. I will show new results on the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD up to temperature 2000 MeV and recent results from Taylor expansion in baryon chemical potential for equation of state and the transition...
We investigate the suppression of ϒ mesons in the hot quark–gluon plasma (QGP) created in Pb+Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider using a centrality- and transverse-momentum-dependent model that encompasses screening, collisional damping, and gluodissociation in the QGP. For ϒ(1S), the model prediction is compatible with experimental data from the CMS...
The science mission of the sPHENIX experiment, outlined in the 2015 US Nuclear Physics long range plan, calls for studies of the microscopic structure of the QGP through state-of-the-art jet, upsilon and heavy flavor measurements at RHIC, complementing similar measurements at LHC. We will discuss highlights of the proposed sPHENIX science program and describe the design and construction status...