
Course evaluation (Origins Data Science Block Courses)

Following your participation in these ODSL Block courses, we would love to hear your thoughts on the experience. As such, we have put together this short survey that should take no more than a few minutes of your time. Your feedback is anonymous and will greatly help us to improve the classes we will offer in the future. Thanks in advance!
Participant information

A few details to help us understand your background as a participant.

Course organisation

Your feedback on the organisational aspects of the course.

I.e. ECTS/certificate of participation

The filmed material was made available for offline viewing

The filmed material was made available for offline streaming.

I.e. The ordering of lectures and tutorials, breaks etc.

Please feel free to elaborate on your answers to the questions in this section.

Course content

Your thoughts on the course material presented in the lectures and tutorials.

Was it easy to hear the speaker, read the slides and follow the material?

Could you stay awake?

Do you have anything else that you would like to say regarding the lectures and course content?

How about the tutorials? Did the format work well? How could we promote interaction and discussion, even in the virtual format?

What next?

Please try to keep your suggestions limited to relevant data science topics.

Hopefully, it won't always be virtual....!