Synergies between the Electron-Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider experiments

Following the call for Expressions of Interest by the three European expert committees APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC for possible JENAA (Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APEC Activities) with interest spanning the high energy physics, astroparticle physics and nuclear physics community, we have drafted this open expression of interest on the synergies between the EIC and the LHC experiments.

More details on JENAA can be found here:

EoI Abstract:
The goal of this JENAA initiative is to stimulate and strengthen collaboration among the European nuclear, particle and astroparticle physics communities, to mutually benefit from the many synergies between experiments at the planned U.S.-based Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.

The full EoI can be found in pdf version at the bottom of this page. If you think it is a worthwhile goal, please endorse it using the left menu link.

Upcoming activities: 

Third JENAA Workshop "Synergies between the EIC and the LHC" to be held September 22-24, 2025, at The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland [organizers: Krzysztof Kutak, Leszek Motyka, Jacek Otwinowski, Antoni Szczurek, Sahil Upadhyaya, Jakub Wagner]

Presentation by Maria Vittoria Garzelli at the 3rd Joint ECFA-NuPECC-ApPEC Symposium, to be held at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, April 8 – 11, 2025 

See the activities page for past events and presentations. 

To organize an event under the header of this JENAA feel free to contact: Daniël Boer, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, and/or Pasquale Di Nezza. 


Registration for this event is currently open.