The Topical Workshop "The Impact of Binaries on Stellar Evolution" is part of the MIAPbP Program "The Fundamental Role of Stellar Multiplicity in Stellar Dynamics and Evolution".
As a follow-up of the very successful ImBaSE 2017 workshop, we aim at taking again stock, five years later, on the Impact of Binaries on Stellar Evolution. During five days, we aim at bringing together observers and theoreticians, working on different areas of stellar evolution and binary stars. The workshop will consist of a set of review talks and ample time for contributed talks and discussion, as well as posters. We want to cover all kind of binary interactions that alter the structure and evolution of both stars in the system and that will, in turn, lead to the production of exotic objects whose existence cannot be explained by the standard stellar evolution models. A non-exhaustive list of such systems includes algols, blue and yellow stragglers, and other chemically peculiar stars, planetary nebulae, intermediate luminous transients, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and gravitational wave progenitors.
Please note that the number of seats to attend in person is limited and preference will be given to speakers of the Workshop and to participants of the MIAPbP Program "The Fundamental Role of Stellar Multiplicity in Stellar Dynamics and Evolution". You will be informed ahead of the Topical Workshop whether you were selected for participation in person.
If you are invited for week 3 of the MIAPbP Program, you are automatically registered for the Topical Workshop and abstracts can be submitted without registering via indico.
The full list of participants can be found here: