The Road to Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming in Fundamental Physics

Lecture Hall X5 1. 1.18ab (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)

Lecture Hall X5 1. 1.18ab

Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

Gießenbachstraße 1 85748 Garching

We are happy to announce that the Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming for Fundamental Physics program includes a three day workshop. The workshop will contain talks about recent advancements in differentiable programming (DP) and probabilistic programming in the context of Physical Sciences. The workshop's diverse set of invited speakers will cover DP/ProbProg users and experts, toolmakers and authors of promising technologies. The workshop aims to explore the potential science impact of DP/ProbProg and to understand the steps towards, and challenges of, a successful implementation of these paradigms in fundamental physics.

Topics to be covered in the workshop include:

  * Exploiting Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming For Scientific Machine Learning
  * Compilers, Languages & Toolchains
  * Gradient-Estimation & Relaxation Techniques
  * Automating Inference with Astro-and Particle Physics Simulators
  * Adoption and Scaling strategies for Big Science: Recent Application and Success Stories

Please note that the number of seats to attend the workshop is limited. You will be informed ahead of the Topical Workshop whether you were selected for participation.
If you are invited for week 4 of the MIAPbP Program "Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming for Fundamental Physics", you are automatically registered for the Topical Workshop and abstracts can be submitted without registering via indico.

We would like to encourage undergraduate and graduate students as well as early career researchers to share their experience in the field. The short talk session and the poster session are designed to allow exchanging of early implementation ideas, learning about ongoing activities and networking.

    • 1
      Introduction - Topical Worksop Welcome
      Speaker: Lukas Heinrich
    • 2
      Introduction to Algorithmic Differentiation
      Speaker: Andrea Walther
    • 3
      Probabilistic Programming - The Computational Tool For Science?
      Speaker: Frank Wood
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee Break
    • 4
      Introduction to Probabilistic Programming in Physical Sciences
      Speaker: Torsten ensslin (MPA)
    • 5
      Introduction to Differentiable Programming in Physical Sciences
      Speaker: Kazuhiro Terao
    • 12:45 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 6
      Tool landscape and best practices in automatic differentiation
      Speaker: Jan Hueckelheim
    • 7
      Challenges and Opportunities in Astrophysics Software: Leveraging Differentiable Modeling for Cosmological Surveys
      Speaker: Jens Jasche
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee Break
    • 8
      Adoption and Scaling strategies for Big Science: Recent Application and Success Stories in HEP
      Speaker: Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
    • 9
      Challenges and Opportunities in Differentiable Rendering at Scale
      Speaker: Tzu-Mao Li
    • 10
      Diffusion Models and Differentiable Simulations (mostly for Fluids)
      Speaker: Nils Thuerey
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break
    • 11
      Differentiable Multiscale Strong Lens Modeling
      Speaker: Aymeric Galan
    • 12
      Graphically Structure Diffusion Models for Science
      Speaker: Frank Wood
    • 12:15 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 13
      Using Interactive Theorem Prover for Scientific Computing
      Speaker: Tomas Skrivan
    • 14
      Targeted simulation-based inference of dark matter substructures in strong gravitational lenses
      Speaker: Noemi Anau Montel
    • 2:30 PM
      Coffee Break
    • 15
      State of the art tools in PP and open research problems
      Speaker: Maria Gorinova
    • 16
      The effort to support automatic differentiation (AD) in RooFit
      Speaker: Garima Singh
    • 17
      Automatic Differentiation of Programs with Discrete Randomness
      Speaker: Gaurav Arya
    • 18
      NIFTy - Numerical information field theory
      Speaker: Philipp Frank
    • 10:15 AM
      Coffee Break
    • 19
      Automatic Differentiation and Probabilistic Programming in Astrodynamics
      Speaker: Giacomo Acciarini
    • 20
      Modeling the Cosmic Large Scale Structure with LEFTfield
      Speaker: Julia Stadler
    • 21
      Thank You & Closeout
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Break