EFT, Lattice and ML
- Nora Brambilla (Physik Department, TU Munich)
EFT, Lattice and ML
- Nora Brambilla (Physik Department, TU Munich)
EFT, Lattice and ML
- There are no conveners in this block
EFT, Lattice and ML
- There are no conveners in this block
Talks and panel discussion
Aleksas Mazeliauskas
3/1/23, 9:40 AM
Fernando Romero-Lopez
3/1/23, 11:10 AM
Chair: Nora Brambilla,
Members: Marina Marinkovic,
Phiala Shanahan,
William Detmold,
Aleksas Mazeliauskas
3/1/23, 11:40 AM
--what can EFTs do for ML4LATTICE?
--what ML4LATTICE could do for EFTs?
Abdulhakim Alnuqayqdan
3/3/23, 2:00 PM
Thomas Luu
3/3/23, 2:25 PM
Christoph Lehner
3/3/23, 2:50 PM
Luigi Scorzato
3/3/23, 3:40 PM
Andreas Athenodorou
3/3/23, 4:10 PM