Apr 11 – 12, 2023
Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Averaged energy conditions for vector fields

Apr 12, 2023, 1:00 PM
Main Auditorium (Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP))

Main Auditorium

Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP)

Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München


Francisco José Maldonado Torralba (Tartu University)


ORIGINS Guest Talk.
In this talk I will present the sufficient conditions for the appearance of singularities in gravitational theories which propagate an extra vector degree of freedom, based on the known relaxations of the singularity theorems. I will also show specific cases of singular behavior that usually would be considered as potentially singularity-free, since they violate the usual point-like energy conditions.

Primary author

Francisco José Maldonado Torralba (Tartu University)

Presentation materials

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