November 19, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Presentation Symposium of the NuPECC Long Range Plan 2024

On behalf of NuPECC, the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the Presentation Symposium of the NuPECC Long Range Plan 2024 for European Nuclear Physics.

The Symposium will take place on November 19, 2024, 14:00 to 16:30, at the University Foundation, Egmontstraat 11 rue d’Egmont, 1000 Brussels.

Preceding the Symposium, coffee will be served at 13:00. At the end of the event, a cocktail will be served at the University Foundation premises.

The NuPECC Long Range Plan has been developed based on input from the European Nuclear Physics community, which consists of nearly 6000 scientists and engineers. The plan aims to establish a cohesive strategy for the field's goals and advancement over the next decade and beyond. The electronic version of the Long Range Plan will be unveiled at the symposium and published on the NuPECC Website

We rely on your kind and active participation at the Presentation Symposium. For logistical reasons, we kindly ask for your confirmation of your presence at this symposium as soon as possible, but no later than October 31, 2024. Please send the relevant information to regarding your plans and whether you would like to bring additional guests. If you are unable to attend and wish to send a substitute, please let us know as well.

Yours sincerely,

Marek Lewitowicz
NuPECC Chair

Eberhard Widmann
NuPECC Deputy Chair

Gabriele-Elisabeth Körner
NuPECC Scientific Secretary


Registration for this event is currently open.