
Garchinger Maier-Leibnitz-Kolloquium: The nuclear optical clock and the NuQuant project

by Dr Lars von der Wense (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Lecture hall, ground floor (west) (LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching)

Lecture hall, ground floor (west)

LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching


Optical atomic clocks are today’s most accurate time-keeping devices. They achieve stunning systematic frequency uncertainties in the range of 10^-18, corresponding to an error of 1 second in 30 billion years. An even improved accuracy is expected to be achieved by a nuclear optical clock, since the nucleus is significantly less sensitive to external influences than the atomic shell.

In this talk I will give an overview over the recent progress that has been made toward the development of a nuclear optical clock based on Thorium-229. I will introduce several experiments that are currently in preparation aiming towards this goal. Finally, I will introduce the investigations underway within the framework of the BMBF-funded project “NuQuant”.

Hybrid access via ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 984 5733 2925
Passcode: 979953

Organized by

Peter Thirolf (LMU) / Norbert Kaiser (TUM)