Feb 7 – 9, 2016
Cluster of Excellence "Universe"
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Program

The program is subdivided in 5 Sessions:
- Session 1: atmospheric neutrinos fluxes (physics, models and calculations) including prompt mechanisms
- Session 2: neutrino interactions in the energy region 1- 100 GeV
- Session 3: experimental results, systematic uncertainties implemented in studies, including resutls on prompt component
- Session 4: impact of uncertainties in sensitivity studies of future experiments
- Session 5: Conclusion: list of most critical items missing or to be improved to finalise...

Confirmed Speakers: M. Honda, A. Fedynitch, U. Mosel, Y. Hayato, O. Benhar, J. P. Yanez, P. Huber, S. Boeser, P. Lipari, K. Okumura, L. Wille ...