Dec 3 – 6, 2018
Kloster Seeon, Klosterweg 1, Seeon
Europe/Berlin timezone

For the 11th time, the Cluster hosts its annual 'Science Week'. From 3 to 6 December 2018 Cluster scientists and invited guests will present their current research work in the fields of astrophysics, cosmology, particle, nuclear physics and biophysics. The Science Week is an interdisciplinary event and directed to all scientists who want to gain insight into the current state of all Cluster research areas. Everybody is welcome.

The program is now available, see below!

Program highlights
Monday, Dec 3: Highlight talks for the new ORIGINS cluster 
Monday, Dec 3 and Tuesday, Dec 4: Universe PhD Awardee talks
Tuesday, Dec 4 and Wednesday, Dec 5: UNIVERSE Highlight talks
Wednesday, Dec 5, 16:30: General Assembly of all Cluster members  
Thursday, Dec 6: Research Area Overview talks

The registration is closed.

Call for Abstracts (scientific talk or poster):
Abstract submission is closed. Submission deadline was 31 Oct 2018. Poster: The use of our template is mandatory (files are provided below). 

Venue: Kloster Seeon,