9:00 AM
Physics Mini Workshop
Andreas Görgen
(Oslo University)
(until 1:00 PM)
(Auditorium 2)
9:00 AM
Andreas Görgen
(Oslo University)
(Auditorium 2)
9:05 AM
Nuclear structure at OCL and CERN - ISOLDE
Sunniva Siem
(University of Oslo)
(Auditorium 2)
9:35 AM
Nuclear astrophysics at OCL and MSU
Ann-Cecilie Larsen
(University of Oslo)
(Auditorium 2)
10:05 AM
Experiments using gamma beams at NewSUBARU and ELI - NP
Therese Renstrøm
(University of Oslo)
(Auditorium 2)
10:25 AM
Spectroscopy of exotic nuclei in the 78-Ni region
Eda Sahin
(University of Oslo)
(Auditorium 2)
10:45 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:10 AM
Examples of Important Nuclear Physics Methods in Industry
Tor Bjørnstad
(Institute for Energy Technology, Kjeller)
(Auditorium 2)
11:30 AM
The Norwegian contribution to AEGIS
Heidi Sandaker
(University of Norway)
(Auditorium 2)
11:40 AM
Real - time dynamics from lattice QCD: prospects and challenges
Alexander Rothkopf
(University of Stavanger)
(Auditorium 2)
12:00 PM
The Norwegian ALICE program
Joakim Nystrand
(University of Bergen)
(Auditorium 2)
12:30 PM
Relativistic Heavy Ion Theory
Larissa Bravina
(University of Oslo)
(Auditorium 2)