Group transportation by bus (AB) or minivan (MV) from Hotel Sheraton to ELI-NP and back
Friday October 12, 2018
8.00 AB leaving Hotel Sheraton, Bucharest to ELI-NP Magurele (reached at about 9.00)
15.00 MV leaving Hotel Sheraton, Bucharest to ELI-NP Magurele (reached at about 16.00)
for those participating to 30 Years of NuPECC Celebration
19.00 AB leaving ELI-NP Magurele for dinner at Casa Oamenilor de Stiinta, Bucharest (in walking distance to Hotel Sheraton)
22.30 MV return to ELI-NP Magurele
Saturday October 13, 2018
8.00 AB leaving Hotel Sheraton, Bucharest to ELI-NP Magurele (reached at about 9.00)
14.00 AB leaving ELI-NP Magurele to Hotel Sheraton, Bucharest
17.30 MV leaving ELI-NP Magurele to Hotel Sheraton, Bucharest – after the Editorial Board Nuclear Physics News Meeting