4:00 PM
--- Coffee ---
4:30 PM
Celebration "30 Years of NuPECC"
(until 5:13 PM)
(Seminar Hall)
4:30 PM
Marek Lewitowicz (NuPECC Chair) – Chair of the session
(Seminar Hall)
4:35 PM
Prof. Victor Zamfir (ELI-NP) Director of ELI-NP
(Seminar Hall)
4:38 PM
Dr. Jean-Claude Worms - Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation
(Seminar Hall)
4:41 PM
Dr. Nicolas Bianchi – Chair of the NP Division of European Physical Society
(Seminar Hall)
4:44 PM
Prof. Jorgen d’Hondt – Chair of the European Committee for Future Accelerators
(Seminar Hall)
4:47 PM
Prof. Kazuhiro Tanaka – Chair of Asian Nuclear Physics Association
(Seminar Hall)
4:50 PM
Prof. Eberhard Widman – representing Austrian Academy of Sciences
(Seminar Hall)
4:53 PM
Prof. Roman Micnas - representing Polish Academy of Sciences
(Seminar Hall)
4:56 PM
Dr. Fanny Farget – Scientific Director of the IN2P3/CNRS France
(Seminar Hall)
4:59 PM
Prof. Ciprian Preda European Affairs in the Ministry of National Education and Research, Technological Development and Innovation of Romania
(Seminar Hall)
5:10 PM
Celebration "30 Years of NuPECC"
Marek Lewitowicz
(until 7:10 PM)
(Seminar Hall)
5:30 PM
Muhsin N. Harakeh
(Seminar Hall)
5:50 PM
Sydney Galès
(Seminar Hall)
6:10 PM
Brian Fulton
(Seminar Hall)
6:30 PM
NuPECC in the years: 2012-2017
Angela Bracco
(Seminar Hall)
6:50 PM
NuPECC today
Marek Lewitowicz
(Seminar Hall)
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---