We present a spurion setup called Spontaneous Flavor Violation (SFV) that allows for new physics couplings to quarks that are aligned with the Standard Model Yukawas, but do not necessarily share their hierarchies nor are family universal. We show that SFV naturally arises in theories where the quark family number and CP groups are spontaneously broken at a UV scale. In SFV extensions of the...
The LHCb experiment has collected large samples of decays of charmed hadrons, and has made measurements of CP violation and mixing parameters with world-leading precision. Recent results on charm physics at LHCb are presented.
We revisit soft gluon contributions to the "charm loop" effect in rare $B\to K^{(*)}ll$ decays, which is a large systematic uncertainty in the interpretation of the $b$-anomalies. Since these contributions are dominated by long-distance effects and are resistant to factorization attempts, we employ the method of light-cone sum rules to compute the relevant hadronic matrix elements. Our...
We present a detailed analysis of the collider signatures of TeV-scale massive vector bosons motivated by the hints of lepton flavour non-universality observed in $B$-meson decays. We analyse three representations that necessarily appear together in a large class of ultraviolet-complete models: a colour-singlet ($Z'$), a colour-triplet (the $U_1$ leptoquark), and a colour octet ($G'$). Under...
In this talk I review the status of new physics in b→cτν transitions in the EFT framework of dimension-six operators, including the very recent Belle results. The fit results, including the recent measurement of FL(D*), are presented for all one- and two-dimensional scenarios resulting from the tree level exchange of a single new particle. Particular emphasis is put on the constraint from the...