Jul 29 – 31, 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

The topical workshop "Nine Billion Years of Neutral Gas Evolution" is a three-day meeting to be held July 29-31, 2019 at ESO headquarters. The "nine billion years" to which the title refers represent the fraction of cosmic time over which forthcoming surveys with SKA precursors will probe HI in galaxies (i.e., to a maximum redshift z ~ 1.45). The workshop aims to forge connections across wavelengths, among different ISM and IGM phases, and between observation and theory, and is embedded in the four-week MIAPP programme "Galaxy Evolution in a New Era of HI Surveys," although registration for the workshop is independent of participation in the programme. A full schedule of talks and posters is available via the "Timetable" link at left (click on the "Detailed view" tab for complete information), and a single PDF file containing both the schedule and presentation abstracts is available at this link.

Workshop participants will be expected to pay -- in cash on the morning of July 29 -- a modest workshop fee of 30 euros, and (separately) the 40 euro cost of the optional conference dinner. A receipt stating that money was received to cover expenses related to the topical workshop will be issued, but the organizers are not allowed to issue invoices.

Eridanus Auditorium
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 85748 Garching bei München