RU-D annual meeting to address the milestones of the projects and to encourage further collaborations. Key speakers include Eric Emsellem (ESO), Thorsten Naab (MPA), Mathias Klein (USM/LMU) and Rolf Kudritzki (USM/LMU). The LOC is made up of Maryam Arabsalmani (Vera Rubin Fellow), Milena Valentini (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at USM/LMU), Cesar Hernandez-Aguayo (ORIGINS postdoc at MPA), and the RU-D Coordinators, Volker Springel and Andreas Burkert.
For remote access and to join the live-stream:
Meeting ID: 642 9368 7766
Passcode: 125180
The timetable is loosely arranged according to the subareas of RU-D. There are slots for both 30 min (25 + 5 ) and 20 min (15 +5) talks.
- Galaxies in transition to extreme environments
- Formation and evolution of galaxies at the peak epoch of cosmic star formation
- The chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies
- Understanding the physics of star formation
- Formation and characterization of planetary systems and their atmospheres
- The Cosmological ORIGINS Simulation Project
NEW MPA building access rules and corona measures:
- Entry to the MPA building is only allowed for people who are either fully vaccinated against the corona virus, have recovered from a corona infection, or have tested negative against the corona virus in the last 24 hours (PCR or antigen corona test).
- Participants have to confirm compliance with the building access rule via signature upon arrival, and as external visitors they have to be prepared to prove their vaccination, test, or recovery status by showing the corresponding certificates. Please bring your digital vaccination, recovery or test certificate, otherwise you can only participate via Zoom.
- Mask wearing is strictly required in the seminar room if the 1.5 meter distance rule is not fulfilled or when not seated.
- The mask-wearing mandate and social distancing in the hallways of MPA, and the recommendation for frequent hand sanitation, stay in place.