The goal of this workshop is to bring people in the Munich scientific community together that work on the broad context of the circumgalactic medium, and to spark discussions between different groups / institutes as well as to connect observers and theorists. The main questions we want to discuss are:
• What is the (multiphase) structure of the CGM from sub-parsec to halo scales, and how can we probe it? What is the effect of the larger-scale environment on these properties?
• How do various accretion processes (cosmological, fountain flows, …) occur in the CGM and how do they affect the stellar component?
• What physical mechanisms drive multiphase galactic winds? How do they impact the CGM and what is the fate of the winds?
• What are the next theoretical and observational efforts we have to undertake in order to better understand the CGM?
We expect a fruitful synergy between observational motivations and theoretical developments in a friendly, respectful atmosphere.
LOC: Ryan Farber, Daniela Galárraga-Espinosa, Max Gronke, Thorsten Naab (MPA)