Opening day
Submission deadline
Structure of the document:
- Cover page: Each contribution should contain a single cover page containing no more than the title, the contact person(s), and an abstract.
- The main text should be max. 5 pages long (excluding the cover page) and describe its scientific context, objectives, methodology, readiness and expected challenges.
- The document will be assessed by the Steering Committee of the NuPECC LRP 2024. Unless explicitly requested otherwise, it will become publicly visible as contribution on this web site.
- Please submit the cover page and main text as one pdf file as an attachment, add the title in the corresponding box and a short summary in the box "Content".
- Add yourself as author, you will become the contact person for this submission in case questions arise. You may add other co-authors but this is no required.
- Please select one of the topics from the previous LRP to which your contribution corresponds.
- If this is not the case, select "New topic" and add a corresponding topic in the "Comments" box.
- New ideas and topics are welcome.