Observational and numerical studies of interacting galaxies and mergers in the local Universe have shown their impact in boosting the star formation activity. Investigations from the last years added that even major interactions could also lead to quenching. Since the underlying physics includes processes below the resolutions of cosmological simulations, the details of the enhancing and quenching mechanisms, and their relative importance, remain to be understood. To date, there is no consensus on whether the effects of mergers on star formation is a universal process, or if it follows distinct regimes across cosmic times. In this talk, I will present a collection of high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations (large cosmological volumes, zoom-ins, and galactic scale) to show how the effects of interactions and mergers vary between cosmic dawn and the present day. I will argue that disk settling and the lowering of the gas fraction are key phases in this evolution. Both the amplitude of the external trigger, and the response of the ISM of the galaxy evolve with cosmic time in non-linear manners. I will conclude by showing that it leads to different regimes of starbursts along the star formation histories of galaxies.


Meeting ID: 651 9170 6029

Passcode: 750488

The talk will be followed by a meetup with PhDs and Postdocs of the Cluster over lunch.

Basement Seminar Room
Boltzmannstr 2

ORIGINS Guest Prof. Florent Renaud (Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg / CNRS), hosted by Dr. Lucas Valenzuela and Prof. Andreas Burkert (USM/LMU) is a guest of the cluster from 09.10. - 18.10.2024. You may find him in Room 008 at the Cluster Building.