
Garchinger Maier-Leibnitz-Kolloquium: Evidence of Deconfinement from the Charm Sector using Lattice QCD Techniques

by Dr Sipaz Sharma (Physik Department T30f, TUM)

Lecture hall, ground floor (west) (LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching)

Lecture hall, ground floor (west)

LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching


Results on the nature of charm degrees of freedom in strongly interacting hot matter are presented. These are based on lattice QCD calculations of the second-and fourth-order cumulants of charm fluctuations, and their correlations with net baryon number, electric charge, and strangeness fluctuations. It is shown that below the chiral crossover temperature, T_c, the thermodynamics of charm can be very well understood in terms of charmed hadrons. Above T_c, however, charm quark-like excitations emerge as new degrees of freedom contributing to the partial charm pressure. Nonetheless, up to temperatures as high as 175 MeV, charmed hadron-like excitations significantly contribute to the partial charm pressure. The implications of these findings for understanding the nature of interactions inside the Quark-Gluon Plasma are discussed . Additionally, evidence is presented for the not-yet-discovered charmed hadrons below the chiral crossover by comparing predictions of a hadron resonance gas with lattice QCD simulations.

Hybrid access via ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 984 5733 2925
Passcode: 979953

Organized by

Peter Thirolf (LMU) / Norbert Kaiser (TUM)