
Garchinger Maier-Leibnitz-Kolloquium: Thermodynamics from the S-matrix reloaded

by Dr Emanuele Gendy (Physik Department T75, TUM)

Lecture Hall, ground floor (west) (LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching)

Lecture Hall, ground floor (west)

LMU building, Am Coulombwall 1, campus Garching


In recent years, S-matrix-based computational methods have experienced a resurgence, offering a powerful and elegant approach to extracting physical quantities without relying on an explicit Lagrangian formulation. In this talk, I will revisit and extend the formalism introduced by Dashen, Ma, and Bernstein, which connects the thermodynamics of relativistic systems to information encoded in their scattering amplitudes. As a concrete application, I will explore the thermodynamics of a long confining flux tube in d-dimensions, analyzing thermal effects up to and including next-to-next-to-leading order contributions. I will compare the results with those obtained from the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz. I will also discuss how these techniques allow for the inclusion of non-universal effects in the study of flux tubes, while relying solely on the S-matrix as input.

Hybrid access via ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 984 5733 2925
Passcode: 979953

Organized by

Peter Thirolf (LMU) / Norbert Kaiser (TUM)