Jun 13 – 17, 2011
Europe/Berlin timezone
Proceedings are now available online at <a href="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C110613/">eConf</a>

Precision Spectroscopy of Pionic Atom at RIKEN-RIBF

Jun 14, 2011, 5:50 PM
Club 3 (Künstlerhaus)

Club 3


talk Hadrons in Hot and Cold Medium Hadrons in Hot and Cold Medium


Mr Satoshi Itoh (University of Tokyo)


Precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms provide unique information on the isovector πN interaction which connected to reduction of the chiral symmetry breaking at the normal nuclear density. Recent experiments at GSI on Sn isotopes yielded the first quantitative estimation of its reduction to be about 33% compared to that in the vacuum [1]. We are working on a new experimental project, namely the pionic atom factory project at the RI beam factory in RIKEN [2]. The objective of this project covers spectroscopy of wide range of pionic atoms with stable nuclei with the world highest resolution. In October 2010, we performed a pilot experiment of this project and measured the energy spectrum of the 122Sn(d,3He) reaction. In my talk, I will report preliminary experimental results of this experiment. [1] K. Suzuki et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 072302 (2004). [2] K. Itahashi et al, RIBF proposal 27 and 54.

Primary author

Mr Satoshi Itoh (University of Tokyo)


Dr Daisuke Kameda (RIKEN) Prof. Georg P.A. Berg (University of Notre Dame) Prof. Hans Geissel (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung) Dr Helmut Weick (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung) Mr Hiroaki Matsubara (Osaka University) Mr Hiroyuki Miya (University of Tokyo) Dr Hiroyuki Takeda (RIKEN) Dr Ken Suzuki (Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics) Dr Kenjiro Miki (University of Tokyo) Dr Kenta Itahashi (RIKEN) Mr Koichi Todoroki (University of Tokyo) Dr Koichi Yoshida (RIKEN) Mr Masaki Nakamura (RIKEN) Dr Naohiro Inabe (RIKEN) Prof. Ryugo S. Hayano (University of Tokyo) Dr Shinsuke Ota (University of Tokyo) Mr Shumpei Noji (University of Tokyo) Mr Takahiro Nishi (University of Tokyo) Prof. Tomohiro Uesaka (University of Tokyo) Dr Toshiyuki Kubo (RIKEN) Dr kyo Tsukada (Tohoku University) Dr shin'ichiro Michimasa (University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials