Norbert Kaiser
6/13/11, 9:00 AM
In this talk, I review the description of low-energy pion-Compton scattering in chiral perturbation theory. At one-loop order, the effects due to the pion structure consist of the electric and magnetic polarizabilities (subject to the constraint $\alpha_\pi+\beta_\pi =0$) and a unique pion-loop correction interpretable as photon scattering off the ``pion-cloud around the pion''. The latter...
Sebastian Neubert
(Technische Universität München)
6/13/11, 9:30 AM
I will review recent experimental developments and new results in the field of light meson spectroscopy.
Sinead Ryan
(Trinity College Dublin)
6/13/11, 10:00 AM
Recent progress in the calculation of meson spectroscopy and resonances from lattice QCD will be discussed. Current challenges will be reviewed and a roadmap for future calculations will be presented.
Claudia Patrignani
(University and INFN Genova)
6/13/11, 10:30 AM
New and recent results from B factories on conventional heavy flavor mesons will be presented, including properties of excited D and Ds mesons, new measurements of eta_c(nS) properties, the observation of h_b(nP) states and new precision measurements of bottomonium radiative and hadronic transitions
Fulvia De Fazio
(INFN Bari)
6/13/11, 11:30 AM
I discuss the recent developments in the heavy meson spectroscopy. Among the newly discovered states, I consider in particular the charmed mesons with strangeness and the puzzling meson X(3872),
underlying strategies for their proper classification.
Randolf Pohl
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik)
6/13/11, 12:00 PM
The charge radius Rp of the proton has so far been known only with a precision of about 1% from both electron scattering and precision spectroscopy of hydrogen.
We have recently determined Rp by means of laser spectroscopy of the exotic "muonic hydrogen" atom [1]. Here, the muon, which is the 200 times heavier cousin of the electron, orbits the proton with a 200 times smaller Bohr radius....
Antonio Pineda
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
6/13/11, 12:30 PM
Recently the muonic hydrogen lamb shift has been measured with unprecedented accuracy [R. Pohl et al, Nature vol. 466, p. 213 (2010)], allowing for a precise determination of the proton radius. This determination is 5 sigma away from the previous CODATA value obtained from (mainly) the hydrogen lamb shift and the electron-proton scattering. Within an effective field theory formalism, I will...
Volker Credé
(Florida State University)
6/13/11, 2:30 PM
Nucleons are complex systems of confined quarks and exhibit characteristic spectra of excited states. Highly-excited nucleon states are sensitive to details of quark confinement which is poorly understood within Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental theory of strong interactions. Observing and understanding these higher-mass resonances is crucial, but they are difficult to observe...
Jose R. Pelaez
(Universidad Complutense)
6/13/11, 2:30 PM
The leading $1/N_c$ behaviour of Unitarised Chiral Perturbation Theory distinguishes the nature of the $\rho$ and the $\sigma$. At one loop order the $\rho$ is a ${\bar q}q$ meson, while the $\sigma$ is not. However, semi-local duality between resonances and Regge behaviour cannot be satisfied for larger $N_c$, if such a distinction holds. While the $\sigma$ at $N_c=3$ is inevitably dominated...
Bastian Kubis
(Universität Bonn)
6/13/11, 2:30 PM
Dalitz plot studies for multi-hadron decays of heavy mesons are expected to become very important tools for precision investigations of CP violation. A thorough understanding of the hadronic final-state interactions is a prerequisite to achieve a highly sensitive, model-independent study of CP-violating phases in such processes. I will illustrate the theoretical tools available, as well as...
Stefania Bufalino
6/13/11, 2:30 PM
The information coming from the study of the Lambda-hypernuclei weak decay channels complements the knowledge of strange nuclear systems obtained by both missing mass and gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements. Lambda-hypernuclei decay through both the mesonic weak
decay (MWD) and the non-mesonic weak decay (NMWD) processes.
In particular, recently, the two-nucleon induced (2N) NMWD has been...
Elena Botta
(INFN-Sezione di Torino and Universita’ di Torino)
6/13/11, 2:55 PM
The replacement of a nucleon with a Λ hyperon leads to the production of Λ-hypernuclei. These strange systems are more stable than ordinary nuclei due to the compression of the nuclear core and to the addition of an extra binding energy from the Λ hyperon, which plays the so called “glue-like” role, being free from the Pauli blocking effect. In this respect, Λ-hypernuclei are better candidates...
Patricia Magalhães, C.
(University of São Paulo, Brazil)
6/13/11, 2:55 PM
The last decade provided important advances on light scalar resonances sector in the D decays. In particular, different analyses showed the evidence for $\sigma$ and $\kappa$ mesons close to the threshold.
Decays of charmed meson, however, are still poorly understood theoretically. The $K^-\pi^+$ phase shift extracted from $D^+\to K^- \pi^+\pi^+$[1] and from $K^-\pi^+$ scattering[2]...
Marcus Gruener
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
6/13/11, 3:00 PM
The excitation spectrum of the nucleon consists of several overlapping resonances. To identify these resonances, and their contributions to the measured cross sections, a partial wave analysis is used. One needs at least a set of eight, well chosen, single and double polarisation observables to give an unambiguous solution. With the Crystal Barrel/TAPS setup at ELSA, single and double...
Nikolay Achasov
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
6/13/11, 3:00 PM
The light scalar meson problem which has arisen 50 years ago from the linear sigma model ( LSM), became central in the nonperturbative QCD since LSM could be its low energy realization. The scalar channels in the region up to 1 GeV is a stumbling block of QCD. The point is that not only perturbation theory fails here, but sum rules as well in view of the fact that isolated resonances are...
camilla di donato
(INFN Sez. Napoli)
6/13/11, 3:15 PM
It has been realized for a long time that knowing the eta and eta^prime wave functions in terms of quark and gluon components probes our understanding of non-perturbative QCD dynamics. Great effort has been given to this challenge -- yet no clear picture has emerged even with the most recent KLOE data. We point out which measurements would be most helpful in arriving at a more definite...
Tomoichi Ishiwatari
(Stefan-Meyer-Institut fuer subatomare Physik)
6/13/11, 3:15 PM
An energy shift of the 2p level of kaonic 3He and 4He atoms is recently
studied in theory and experiment. A theory predicting deeply bound
kaonic nuclear states estimates a significant energy shift in kaonic
3He or 4He. The SIDDHARTA experiment measured the kaonic 3He and 4He
3d-2p X-ray transitions at the DAFNE e+e- collider. The strong interaction
shifts of the kaonic 3He and 4He 2p...
Evgeny Solodov
(Budker INP)
6/13/11, 3:20 PM
Two-photon processes can be studied at e+e- colliders via the reaction e+ e- -> e+ e- gamma gamma(*) -> e+ e- X, providing a suitable environment for hadron spectroscopy and tests of QCD predictions.
We report recent measurements of the gamma gamma* -> P transition form factors at large values of momentum transfer -- where P is a pseudoscalar meson: pi0, eta, eta', and eta_c -- performed in...
Jonas Müller
(Universität Bonn)
6/13/11, 3:25 PM
One of the open challenges in subnuclear physics is to understand the nonperturbative regime of Quantum chromodynamics, including the world of the nucleon and its excitations. In order to extract the contributing baryon resonances in photoproduction experiments, partial wave analyses need to be performed. A complete experiment is required to unambiguously determine the contributing amplitudes....
Shinji Okada
6/13/11, 3:35 PM
The SIDDHARTA collaboration have measured the K-series x-rays of kaonic hydrogen atoms with significant improvements over the previous experiments, and precisely determined the strong-interaction energy-level shift and width of the 1s atomic state. The measurement offers a unique possibility to determine the KN s-wave scattering lengths, which is one of the most important observable to...
Carina M. Zanetti
(Instituto de Física, USP)
6/13/11, 3:35 PM
Abstract: We use QCD sum rules to investigate the nature of the meson X(3872), assumed to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic molecular c bar{q}[q\bar{c}]$ states with J^{PC}=1++. We compute the mass of the state, decay widths of the channels J/psi(npi) and J\psi\gamma, and the branching ratio for the production of the state in the decay B to X(3872)K. We find that the...
Evgeny Solodov
(Budker INP)
6/13/11, 3:40 PM
We report on latest results obtained at BABAR studying low energy e+e- annihilations, produced via initial state radiation. Hadronic cross sections are the experimental input for calculation of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, while the study of the final states and intermediate structures with unprecedented accuracy can reveal new states and their properties. In particular, an updated...
Alexander Austregesilo
(TU München)
6/13/11, 4:30 PM
COMPASS is a fixed-target experiment at CERN SPS which investigates the structure and spectroscopy of hadrons. The experimental setup features a large acceptance and high momentum resolution spectrometer including particle identification and calorimetry and is therefore ideal to cover a broad range of different topics. During in total 9 weeks in 2008 and 2009, a 190 GeV/c proton beam impinging...
Rainer Schicker
(Phys. Inst.)
6/13/11, 4:30 PM
R. Schicker for the ALICE Collaboration
The ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN consists of a central barrel covering the pseudorapidity range -0.9 < eta < 0.9 and of additional detectors which can be used to define pseudorapidity gaps -3.7 < eta < -0.9 and 0.9 < eta < 5.1. The low pT threshold of the central barrel gives ALICE a unique opportunity to study the low...
Marco Maggiora
(INFN Torino)
6/13/11, 4:30 PM
Experimental data in various channels show that in $J/\psi$ decay,
strong and electromagnetic amplitudes seem to be orthogonal, while in the standard model
they are expected to be both almost real. There
has been the conjecture that the phase between strong and electromagnetic
amplitudes is universally $-90^\circ$ in all decays of charmonium
(quarkonium) $1^{--}$ states. However,...
Feng-Kun Guo
(Universität Bonn)
6/13/11, 4:50 PM
The leading order interaction between a Goldstone boson and a matter field is universally dominated by the Weinberg-Tomozawa term. Based on this observation, we predict a rich spectrum of bound states of a kaon and a heavy meson. We argue that if the life time of an excited heavy meson is significantly longer than the range of forces, then the finite width of that state can be neglected in a...
Lilian Witthauer
(Basel University, Department of Physics)
6/13/11, 4:50 PM
Recent experiments at the Mainz MAMI and the Bonn ELSA accelerators have studied the excitation spectrum of the nucleon with photoproduction of η-mesons off light target nuclei (2H, 3He). Special attention was given to the photoexcitation of the neutron in order to investigate the isospin structure of electromagnetic resonance couplings. The resulting cross sections shows a narrow in the...
Jifeng HU
(Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
6/13/11, 4:50 PM
In this talk, we will present the results on the charmonium
decays with the $J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ data samples
collected with the BESIII experiments at the BEPCII collider.
With the world largest data samples at these two peaks, we
observed for the first time many new decay modes of $J/\psi$,
$\psi^\prime$, $\chi_{cJ}$, and $\eta_c$, we also improve the
precisions of the branching...
Wolfgang Ochs
(research scientist)
6/13/11, 5:00 PM
The existence of glueballs within QCD is uncontroversial but their experimental verification is still in doubt. We discuss the new possibilities for a search of glueballs as the leading object in gluon jets at the LHC and also recall previous results from LEP.
Maxim Polyakov
(Ruhr University Bochum)
6/13/11, 5:10 PM
We review recent evidences for putative narrow nucleon N$^*$(1685)-- the candidate for the non-strange member of the exotic anti-decuplet of baryons.
A new interpretation for the $D^*_{s2}(2573)$ and the prediction of novel exotic charmed mesons
Raquel Molina
6/13/11, 5:10 PM
We study the vector - vector interaction within the hidden gauge formalism in a coupled channel unitary approach. In the sector $C=1,S=1,J=2$ we get a pole in the T-matrix around $2572$ MeV that we identify with the $D^*_{s2}(2573)$, coupling strongly to the $D^*K^*$($D^*_s\phi$($\omega$)) channels. In addition we obtain resonances in other exotic sectors which have not been studied before...
Liangliang WANG
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
6/13/11, 5:10 PM
In this talk, we will present the results on the charmonium
spin singlet states below the open charm threshold, including
$h_c$, $\eta_c$, and $\eta_c(2S)$. The masses, widthes, and
production rates of these states will be reported. The results
are based on a data sample of 106 million $\psi^\prime$ events
collected with the BESIII experiments at the BEPCII collider.
Martin Schumacher
(Zweites Physikalisches Institut der Universität Göttingen)
6/13/11, 5:20 PM
The scalar mesons sigma(600), kappa(800), f0(980) and a0(980) together with the pseudo Goldstone bosons pi, K and eta may be considered as the Higgs sector of strong interaction. After a long time of uncertainty about the internal structure of the scalar mesons there now seems to be consistency which is in line with the major parts of experimental observations. Great progress has been made by...
Jorge Segovia
(University of Salamanca)
6/13/11, 5:30 PM
Meson strong decay is a complex non-perturbative process that has not been described from QCD first principles yet. Instead, several phenomenological models have been developed to deal with this topic, being the 3P0 [1], the flux-tube [2] and the Cornell [3, 4] models the most popular.
To address a more fundamental description of the decay mechanism, one has to describe hadron strong decays...
Manuel Dieterle
(Basel University, Department of Physics)
6/13/11, 5:30 PM
Meson photoproduction allows a detailed investigation of the excitation spectrum of the nucleon and of the interactions of mesons with nucleons and nuclei. Up to now much more attention has been paid to the electromagnetic excitations of the free proton than to its neutron counter parts. These are essential for the understanding of their isospin decomposition. In addition in certain states the...
Eulogio Oset
(IFIC , University of Valencia)
6/13/11, 5:40 PM
We develop a scheme on how to obtain the lightest scalar mesons from hypothetical QCD lattice results.
The latter are simulated by using the two channel chiral unitary approach for and K Kbar scattering that
generates the f0(600) and f0(980) resonances. We re-derive Luescher formula for one channel in a very
simple way suited to practitioners of the chiral unitary approach, and then from...
Hiroshi Noya
(Institute of Physics, Hosei University at Tama)
6/13/11, 5:50 PM
Hiroshi Noya
Institute of Physics, Hosei University at Tama
Machida, Tokyo 194-0298, Japan
e-mail :
Hiroshi Nakamura
Department of Physics and Mathematics,
College of Science and Engineering
Aoyamagakuin University, Fuchinobe,
Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8558, Japan
We present the mass formula of the Diquark Cluster Model (DCM) to calculate the q2qbar2...
Xiaotao LIAO
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
6/13/11, 5:50 PM
Based on 106×10^6 psi' events collected with BESIII at the BEPCII, the decay of psi'--> ppbar eta is studied. The exicted baryon N(1535) is clearly observed and the results from PWA are presented.
Fergus Wilson
(Rutherford Laboratory)
6/13/11, 5:50 PM
The large samples of B, D and tau decays that will be recorded
at SuperB can be used to provide both stringent constraints on
new physics scenarios, and overconstraints on the Standard
Model. We discuss the physics potential what can be learned
from SuperB.
Joerg Pretz
(Universitaet Bonn)
6/14/11, 9:00 AM
In the Quark Parton Model, the nucleon is successfully described in terms of parton distribution functions (PDFs). Whereas unpolarized parton distributions like $q(x)$ and $g(x)$ interpreted as number densities of quarks and gluons at a given longitudinal momentum fraction $x$ in the nucleon are relatively well known, distribution involving polarization degrees of freedom are less well...
Mauro Anselmino
(Università degli Studi di Torino)
6/14/11, 9:30 AM
Recently, the exploration of the partonic composition of protons and neutrons has entered a new phase, with the study of the three-dimensional momentum and space structure. New theoretical concepts like the Transverse Momentum Dependent Distributions (TMDs) help to describe the momentum distributions of partons inside nucleons. Several dedicated experiments are running, being built or planned....
Reinhard Beck
(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
6/14/11, 10:00 AM
One of the open challenges in subnuclear physics is to understand the non-perturbative regime of Quantum Chromodynamics, including the world of the nucleon and its excitations. One of the key issues here is to identify the relevant degrees-of-freedom and the effective forces between them. A necessary step towards this aim is a precise knowledge of the experimental spectrum and the properties...
James Zanotti
(University of Edinburgh)
6/14/11, 10:30 AM
Lattice simulations of hadronic structure are now reaching a level
where they are able to not only complement, but also provide guidance
to current and forthcoming experimental programmes. In this talk I
will discuss recent progress that has been made in this area, focussing
on the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon and the pion, the
nucleon axial charge and the vacuum...
Mathias Butenschön
(Universität Hamburg)
6/14/11, 12:00 PM
These are exciting times for quarkonium production. New theoretical advances are coinciting with the awaited measurement of new observables at the LHC. Progress has been made in testing different production mechanism for the heavy quarkonia. For instance, recently, a global data analysis of J/psi production within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD was performed at NLO accuracy, hinting at...
Yuanning Gao
(Tsinghua University)
6/14/11, 12:30 PM
The recent results from the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments on charmonium and charmonium-like production in $pp$ collisions at the LHC, based on data collected in 2010, are presented. This talk will cover the following topics:
- Strategy and results on the measurement of the differential cross-section of J/ψ production as a function of transverse momentum and rapidity;
- The...
Fabio Ambrosino
(Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" e Sezione INFN Napoli)
6/14/11, 2:30 PM
A compact review of experimental tests of chiral dynamics involving the low lying pseudoscalars is presented with particular emphasis on results from KLOE and from the detectors operating at MAMI, at the ELSA facility, and at COSY. The status of the experimental knowledge on the dynamics of eta and eta’ decays is discussed and an outlook on future perspectives is given. Finally,...
Kamal K. Seth
(Nortwestern University)
6/14/11, 2:30 PM
Recent results from CLEO in the spectroscopy of charmonium and bottomonium are presented. These include recent measurements of spin-singlet states in quarkonia, precision measurements of branching fractions for radiative and hadronic decays, and higher multipoles in radiative decays, among others.
Dmitri Melikhov
(HEPHY Vienna Austria & SINP Moscow Russia)
6/14/11, 2:30 PM
We present the sum-rule extraction of the decay constants of the D, Ds, B, and Bs mesons from the two-point correlator of heavy-light pseudoscalar currents. We use the OPE of this correlator in terms of the running heavy-quark mass, for which the perturbative expansion exhibits a reasonable convergence. Our main emphasis is laid on the control over the uncertainties in the decay constants,...
Bernhard Musch
(Jefferson Lab)
6/14/11, 2:30 PM
Certain single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS) and the Drell-Yan process (DY) can be explained by transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs) that are predicted to differ in sign for SIDIS and DY. On the lattice, we can use non-local operators with U-shaped Wilson lines to study these TMDs, in particular the Sivers- and the Boer-Mulders function. We...
Roberta Cardinale
(INFN - Genova)
6/14/11, 2:50 PM
Data collected in 2010 at the LHC is used by LHCb to perform the first preliminary mass measurements of b-hadron states fully reconstructed in modes decaying to a J/psi. The systematics on the momentum and mass scales, determined by the level of knowledge and understanding of the tracking system, are addressed. Precise mass measurements for B0, B+, Bs, Bc and Λb are reported. In several cases,...
Pavel Kurilkin
(JINR. Dubna)
6/14/11, 2:50 PM
The experimental results on the deuteron analyzing powers for the dp-elastic scattering and the dd->3Hp(dd->3Hen) reaction at intermediate energies are reported.
These data were obtained using polarized deuteron beams at Nuclotron (JINR, Russia) and RARF (RIKEN, Japan).
The results on the analyzing powers Ay, Ayy and Axx in dp- elastic scattering
obtained at Nuclotron at 880 MeV and 2000...
Piotr Pietrulewicz
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
6/14/11, 2:55 PM
In this talk we will present the theoretical treatment of heavy quarkonia electric dipole transitions within an effective field theory formalism. Inside the effective field theory called potential nonrelativistic QCD (pNRQCD) we will account for the relativistic corrections to the decay rate in a systematic and model independent way. Former results from potential model calculations will be...
Jose Manuel Alarcón
(Universidad de Murcia)
6/14/11, 2:55 PM
We have analyzed pion-nucleon scattering using the manifestly relativistic covariant framework of Infrared Regularization up to {\cal O}(q^3) in the chiral expansion, where q is a generic small momentum. We describe the low-energy phase shifts with a similar quality as previously achieved with Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory, \sqrt{s}\lesssim 1.14 GeV. New values are provided for the...
Christian Hoeppner
(TU Muenchen)
6/14/11, 3:10 PM
The measurement of unpolarized high-$p_T$ hadron-production cross
sections provides an important benchmark for the applicability of
perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations, especially at lower center-of-
mass energies, where corrections beyond the next-to-leading order
could become important. These calculations rely on the factorization
of unpolarized and polarized cross sections into...
Timothy Burns
(INFN Roma)
6/14/11, 3:10 PM
The recent discovery of the bottomonia states h_b(1P) and h_b(2P)
confirms the expectations of constituent quark models, already verified in the charmonia sector, that the spin-spin splitting of P-wave mesons is very small. The striking agreement is somewhat surprising because the non-relativistic quark model prediction, for which the splitting is identically zero, may be modified due to...
Manuel Pavon Valderrama
6/14/11, 3:15 PM
In this talk I consider the perturbative renormalizability of chiral two-pion exchange within the effective field theory formulation of nuclear forces, provided that the one pion exchange potential has been fully iterated. This particular prescription implements the modified Weinberg counting proposal made by Nogga, Timmermans and van Kolck[1] up to next-to-next-to-leading order.
It is...
Simon Eidelman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
6/14/11, 3:15 PM
We present recent results from the KEDR detector operating
at the e+e- collider VEPP-4M in Novosibirsk. They include a high-precision measurement of the J/psi and psi(2S) masses, a study of the psi(2S) and psi(3770) parameters, a determination of the branching fraction B(J/psi -> eta_c gamma), a test of lepton universality in J/psi decays, a measurement of the leptonic width for the psi(2S)...
Kai Schweda
(University of Heidelberg)
6/14/11, 3:30 PM
Heavy-quarks are, due to their large mass, unique tools to probe the quark
gluon plasma created in high-energy nuclear collisions. In proton-proton
collisions, heavy-quark production comprises a fundamental challenge to
theory and experiment. We report on recent results from the ALICE experiment
on heavy flavour production in $pp$ and $Pb-Pb$ collisions at unprecedented
Mikhail Barabanov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
6/14/11, 3:35 PM
The study of strong interactions and hadronic matter in the process of antiproton-proton annihilation seems to be a challenge nowadays. The research of charmonium (the system consisting of charmed quark-antiquark pair cc\bar), charmed hybrids (the system consisting of charmed quark-antiquark pair strongly interacting with gluonic component cc\barg) spectra and their main characteristics: mass,...
Martin Hoferichter
(Bonn University)
6/14/11, 3:35 PM
Starting from hyperbolic dispersion relations, we present a system of Roy-Steiner equations for pion Compton scattering that respects analyticity and unitarity requirements, gauge invariance, as well as crossing symmetry, and thus all symmetries of the underlying quantum field theory. To suppress the dependence on the high-energy region, we also consider a once- and twice-subtracted version of...
Mariana Nanova
(II. Physikalisches Institut, Universität Giessen)
6/14/11, 4:30 PM
Mariana Nanova
University of Giessen, Germany
for the CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration
Studies of in-medium properties of the η' meson will be presented. The photoproduction of η' mesons off 12C, 40Ca, 93Nb and 208Pb nuclei has been measured. The experiment was performed at the ELSA accelerator in Bonn with the combined setup of the Crystal Barrel and TAPS detectors. Recent results on the...
Dmitri Melikhov
(HEPHY Vienna Austria & SINP Moscow Russia)
6/14/11, 4:30 PM
We calculate the pion form factor making use of a local-duality (LD) version of QCD sum rules. To probe the accuracy of the obtained predictions we consider in parallel to QCD a potential model with an interaction consisting of Coulomb and confining parts. In this case, the exact form factor may be obtained from the solution of the Schrödinger equation and confronted with the result from the...
Claudia Patrignani
(University and INFN Genova)
6/14/11, 4:30 PM
We present a study of the radiative transitions from decays of the Y(2S)
and Y(3S) resonances using photons that have converted into an e+e- pair, obtaining precise measurements of the branching fractions for
chi_b1,2(1, 2P) --> gamma Y(1S) and chi_b1,2(2P) -->gamma Y(2S) transitions and search for radiative decay to the eta_b(1S) and eta_b(2S) states. We present a search for the...
Eva-Maria Kabuss
(Mainz university)
6/14/11, 4:30 PM
The COMPASS experiment is a fixed target experiment at the CERN SPS using muon and hadron beams for the investigation of the spin structure of the nucleon and hadron spectroscopy. The main objective of the muon physics programme is the study of the nucleon spin. COMPASS has accumulated data during 6 years scattering polarised muons off a longitudinally or a transversely polarised
Alexander Kuzmin
6/14/11, 4:50 PM
Originally designed for CP violation studies in the B meson
system, the B-Factories recently showed an exciting capability
for improving our experimental knowledge in the field of hadron
spectroscopy. We review results on bottomonium spectroscopy
by the Belle experiment at the KEK-B e+e- collider and present
exciting new results from the unique large data set taken
at the Y(5S) resonance.
Bastian Brandt
(Institut fuer Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet, Mainz)
6/14/11, 4:50 PM
We present a lattice calculation of the vector form factor of the pion for two flavours of non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions. For the measurements we utilise the CLS ensembles which include various lattice spacings and pion masses down to roughly 250 MeV. To obtain a fine momentum resolution near zero momentum transfer (q^2) twisted boundary conditions are employed using several...
Volker Metag Metag
(II. Physikalisches Institut)
6/14/11, 5:10 PM
Volker Metag
University of Giessen, Germany
for the A2 collaboration
The Dalitz decay η → γe+e− has been investigated in photo-nuclear reactions with the Crystal Ball/TAPS detector system at the electron accelerator MAMI-C. The Dalitz decay events were identified in an exclusive analysis exploiting the full kinematic information. Statistics improved by an order of magnitude compared to...
Alexander Laschka
(TU München)
6/14/11, 5:10 PM
The heavy quark-antiquark potential is accessible in perturbative QCD and in lattice simulations. The perturbative short-distance part of the potential is contructed via a restricted Fourier transform, covering the momentum region where perturbative QCD is applicable. We show that for the leading order static term as well as for the mass dependent corrections, the perturbative part can be...
Andrey Polyanskiy
(IKP, FZ Jülich)
6/14/11, 5:10 PM
The production of $\phi$-mesons in collisions of 2.83 GeV protons
with C, Cu, Ag and Au targets has been measured with the ANKE
magnetic spectrometer at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The $\phi$
was detected at small angles via its $K^+K^-$ decay branch. The
measured target mass dependence of the production cross section can
be related to the in-medium $\phi$ width. Comparisons...
Eulogio Oset
(IFIC , University of Valencia)
6/14/11, 5:10 PM
The K^- induced production of Lambda(1405) is investigated in K^- d to pi Sigma n reaction based on coupled-channels chiral dynamics, in order to discuss the mass of the Lambda(1405) and the prediction of two Lambda(1405) states made by the chiral unitary theory. We find that the K^-d to Lambda(1405)n process favors the production of Lambda(1405) initiated by the KbarN channel, which favors...
camilla di donato
(INFN Sez. Napoli)
6/14/11, 5:30 PM
The KLOE experiment has collected 2.5 fb-1 at the peak of the phi resonance at the e+e- collider DAPHNE in Frascati. The whole data set includes 100 million eta's produced through the radiative decay phi --> eta gamma and tagged by means of the monochromatic recoil photon. Measurements of eta decay channels, such as pi+ pi- gamma, are in progress. We have also measured the branching ratio of...
Paul Buehler
(Stefan Meyer Institute, VIenna)
6/14/11, 5:30 PM
With the PANDA detector at the HESR at FAIR it will be possible to study the production of charmed hadrons on nuclear targets. One reactions of particular interest is the formation of J/Psi mesons when a nuclear target is bombarded with antiprotons. If the momentum of the incident antiprotons is properly selected, then they can annihilate with protons in the nucleus of a target atom and form a...
Valery Lyubovitskij
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University)
6/14/11, 5:30 PM
Mesons and baryons are considered in a soft-wall holographic approach [1,2] based on the correspondence of string theory in AdS space and conformal field theory in physical space-time [3]. Our approach is also based on ideas of the light-front holography approach developed by Brodsky and de Teramond [4]. The model generates Regge trajectories linear in n and J(L) for the hadronic mass...
Giovanni Sabatino
(INFN - Rome 2)
6/14/11, 5:30 PM
LHCb is one of the four LHC experiments which started data-taking in 2010 at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. The detector is a forward spectrometer dedicated to the study of B production and decay. Efficient tracking and muon identification allow precision measurement of quarkonia states to be performed. We present studies of the production of resonances in the dimuon sample collected in the...
Pedro Gonzalez
(University of Valencia)
6/14/11, 5:50 PM
From a Faddeev calculation for the pion-(Delta rho)(N(1675)) system, performed with the Fixed Center Approximation within a Chiral Unitary framework, we show the plausible existence of three dynamically generated I (JP) = 3/2 (5/2+) baryon states below 2.3 GeV whereas only two resonances, Delta(5/2+) (1905) (∗∗∗∗) and Delta(5/2+) (2000) (∗∗), are cataloged in the Particle Data Book Review[1]....
Prometeusz Jasinski
(INP Mainz)
6/14/11, 5:50 PM
In order to study the light mesons spectrum the COMPASS experiment at CERN took data with a 190 GeV/c hadron beam hitting a liquid hydrogen target in the years 2008 and 2009.
The negative hadron beam contains mainly pions and a small fraction of about 2.5\% of kaons.
Kaons are identified using CEDAR PID detectors in the beamline.
One of the channels of interest are diffractively produced...
Satoshi Itoh
(University of Tokyo)
6/14/11, 5:50 PM
Precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms provide unique information on the isovector πN interaction which connected to reduction of the chiral symmetry breaking at the normal nuclear density. Recent experiments at GSI on Sn isotopes yielded the first quantitative estimation of its reduction to be about 33% compared to that in the vacuum [1].
We are working on a new experimental project, namely...
Bora Akgun
(Carnegie Mellon University)
6/14/11, 5:50 PM
This talk presents the quarkonium differential cross sections, as a function of transverse momentum and in several rapidity ranges, measured by CMS in pp collisions at 7 TeV. In particular, results will be presented for the J/psi and psi(2S) states as well as for the Υ(1S), Υ(2S) and Υ(3S). We will also provide first results regarding the production of the chi_c states and of the X(3872)...
Bao-Xi SUN
(IFIC, Universidad de Valencia)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The $N\rho\rho$ three-body system has been studied within the framework of fixed center approximation of Fadeev equation, and the scattering amplitudes show a peak around 2200MeV. It manifests the interaction among $N\rho\rho$ system is strong enough to generate a bound state with a mass about 2200MeV. Moreover, another peak of the amplitudes appears at the higher energy range, which might...
David Garcia
(Instituto de Física, UNAM)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The omega->3 pion process is known to be dominated by the omega-rho-pi transition, followed by the decay of the rho meson into two pions. However, this does not deny the possibility of the need of a contact term, as can be seen in other works, to reproduce the experimental value of the decay width of the omega meson into three pions.
In this work, we revisit the omega->3 pion process under...
Philipp Gubler
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Charmonium spectral functions at finite temperature are investigated, using QCD sum rules in combination with the maximum entropy method. This approach makes it possible to directly obtain the spectral function from the sum rules, without having to introduce any specific assumption about its functional form. QCD sum rules incorporate finite temperature effects by the change of the various...
Ricardo Torres-Andres
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We analyze the order parameters of chiral and $SU_V(N_f)$ symmetry breaking, as well as their isoscalar and isovector susceptibilities. For that purpose, we include $m_u\neq m_d$ and electromagnetic corrections in a consistent leading order Chiral Perturbation Theory framework for $N_f=2,3$, providing model-independent predictions.
At zero temperature and assuming the QCD vacuum to have...
Michael Kunkel
(Old Dominion University)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Experimental results on the Dalitz decay of P(π0, η, η’)->e+ e- γ pseudoscalar mesons produced in the photoproduction reaction γ + p -> P(π0, η,η’) + p on a Hydrogen target with CLAS are presented for the first time. The total statistics collected for η Dalitz decay exceeds the world’s published statistics by an order of magnitude, while the Dalitz decay of η’->e+ e- γ is observed and measured...
Frank Nerling
(University of Freiburg),
Johannes Bernhard
(Institut f. Kernphysik, JGU Mainz)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS is dedicated to the study of hadron
structure and spectroscopy. One goal of the physics programme using hadron beams is the search for new states, in particular the search for $J^{PC}$ spin-exotic states and glueballs. COMPASS has started to contribute to the puzzle of the existence of spin-exotic mesons by the published 2004 pilot run data, showing a...
Alexander Glushkov
(Odessa University and Troitsl ISAN Russian Acad. Sci.)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
A negative muon captured by a metastable nucleus may accelerate the discharge of the latter by many orders of magnitude [1,2]. For a certain relation between the energy range of the nuclear and muonic levels a discharge may be followed by muon ejection and muon- participates in discharge of other nuclei. We present relativistic energy approach to a discharge of a nucleus with emission of gamma...
Miguel Albaladejo
(U. Murcia)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The interactions between the f_0(980) and a_0(980) scalar resonances and the lightest pseudoscalar mesons are studied. The interacting kernels are obtained without including any ad hoc free parameter, thanks to previous results on the nature of the lightest scalar resonances as dynamically generated from the rescattering of S-wave two-meson scattering. The amplitudes are then unitarized, and...
Ju Jun Xie
(IFIC, University of Valencia)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We perform a calculation for the three body NKbarK scattering amplitude by using the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev
equations, taking the interaction between N and Kbar, N and K, and Kbar and K from the chiral unitary approach. The resonant structures show up in the modulus squared of the three body scattering amplitude and suggest that a NKbarK hadron state can be formed. Our...
Andrea Lavagno
(Politecnico di Torino)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We study the hadron yield ratios at finite value of baryon density and temperature by means of an effective relativistic mean-field model with the inclusion of the full octet of baryons, the Delta-isobars degrees of freedom and the lightest pseudoscalar and vector mesons. These last particles are considered in the so-called one-body contribution, taking into account of an effective chemical...
Regina Kleinhappel
(Graz University)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We present a microscopic model for hadron resonances which contains, in addition to constituent (anti)quarks, mesonic degrees of freedom. It is assumed that the (anti)quarks are confined by an instantaneous potential and that the mesons can couple directly to the (anti)quarks. This system is treated within a relativistic coupled-channel formalism in order to take the dynamics of the mesonic...
Inti Lehmann
(University of Glasgow)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Hadron multiplicities in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering were measured on neon, krypton and xenon targets relative to deuterium at an electron-beam energy of 27.6 GeV at HERMES. These ratios were determined as a function of the virtual-photon energy nu, its virtuality Q^2, the fractional hadron energy z and the transverse hadron momentum p_t with respect to the virtual-photon...
Motoo Sekiguchi
(Kokushikan University)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The resonance of scalar meson is reported to exist in $K-\pi$ system with a mass of about 800 MeV. This meson is called the kappa meson and may constitute the nonet scalar state together with the sigma meson. In the quark model, the mass of scalar meson should be in the higher region. It is very important to investigate the kappa meson by lattice QCD in order to establish the mass spectroscopy...
Monika Grothe
(U Wisconsin)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Bose-Einstein correlations between identical particles are measured in samples of proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9 and 7 TeV. The signal is observed in the form of an enhancement of number of pairs of same-sign charged particles with small relative momentum. The dependence of this enhancement on kinematic and topological features of the event is studied.
Hiroaki Kohyama
(Chung Yuan Christian University)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The Nambu Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model is one of the useful models of Quantum chromodynamics, and it describes observed meson properties nicely. In this talk, we study the nonet meson properties by using the NJL model with dimensional regularization at finite temperature and chemical potential. We find that the results of the meson properties show reasonable behaviors, which are similar to the...
Yanrui Liu
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Exotic heavy quark hadrons near one or several two-body thresholds triggered lots of discussions about hadronic molecule problem in the heavy quark sector. Here the larger reduced mass reduces the kinetic energy and is advantageous for the bound state. It is interesting to investigate possible molecules containing the lowest charmed baryon, Lambda_c (Lc). We present the study of two systems,...
Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira
(Universidad Complutense)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We extend the precise analysis of presently available pion-pion
scattering data up to 1.1 GeV published in Phys.Rev.D83:074004,2011,
by means of once subtracted Roy-like dispersion relations, twice subtracted Roy Equations,
and Forward Dispersion Relations. The use of once-subtracted dispersion
relations is essential to reduce uncertainties in the region around the K-Kbar...
Alexander Obrazovskiy
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Preliminary results on e^+e^- \to 3\pi, 4\pi, \omega \pi^0,
\eta \pi^+\pi^-, N\bar{N} cross sections measured
with SND detector at VEPP-2000 collider are reported.
The data were collected in 2010-2011 in the energy range
2E = 1.0 - 2.0 GeV, the total integrated luminosity used
is about 20 pb^{-1}.
Ajay Majethiya
(Department of Physics, Sardar Patel University,)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Study of the heavy flavour hadrons containing either a charm quark or a
beauty quark has become a subject of recent interest due to the
observations reported by the experimental groups at Belle, BABAR,
DELPHI, CLEO, CDF etc;. Most of the new states observed in these
experimental facilities are within the heavy flavour sector with one or
more heavy flavour quark composition. In this paper,...
Guillermo Ríos
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We study the rho(770) and sigma(600) resonances by means of the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM). The IAM is based on unitarity, analyticity and Chiral Perturbation Theory only and generates poles on the second Riemann sheet of pion-pion partial wave amplitudes associated to the resonances without any a priori assumptions on their existence or nature. In particular, we study the leading 1/N_c...
Olga Khetselius
(Odessa University)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
In the last few years transition energies in pionic and kaonic atoms have been measured with an unprecedented precision [1]. The spectroscopy of hadronic hydrogen allows to study the strong interaction at low energies [2] by measuring the energy and width of the ground level with a precision of few meV. The light hadronic atoms can additionally be used to define new low-energy X-ray standards...
Javier Vijande
(university of Valencia)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The problem of the stability of mesons and baryons against their decay into lighter hadrons has been widely discussed in the literature.
During the last years it has been suggested the potential role
played by higher-order many-quark configurations in the hadron
spectra. These terms are a reflection of the involved color structure present in hadrons and they might be described either in...
Kazem azizi
(Dogus University)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The strong coupling constants of the heavy baryons to light pseudoscalar and vector mesons are calculated in light cone QCD sum rules. In particular, using the general form of the interpolating currents for the heavy baryons and distribution amplitudes of mesons as well as different symmetry arguments, all amplitudes in each class of transitions are written in terms of only one universal...
Chunyan LIU
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The mixing intensity of f0(980) and a0(980) is expected to shed light on the nature of these two resonances. The a0-f0 mixing intensity has been predicted to be in the range of 0.01 to 0.2 by various theoretical models, but no any experimental results available yet. The transition of f0(980) to a0(980) or a0(980) to f0(980) will provide complementary constraints to the parameters of a0 and f0...
Nadezhda Ladygina
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The $dp\to dp$ and $dd\to ^3He n$ reactions are considered in the
energy range from few hundred MeV up to 1 GeV. The approach
is based on the multiple-scattering theory, where the few-body
collisions are presented through two-body ones. The high-energy
nucleon-nucleon interactions are described by t-matrix, which
is parameterized in accordance with the modern phase-shift analysis data. ...
Johannes Bernhard
(Institut f. Kernphysik, JGU Mainz)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS completed its data taking with hadron beams ($p$, $\pi$, $K$) in the years 2008 and 2009 by collecting a large set of data on different targets ($H_2$, $Pb$, $Ni$, $W$). These data are dedicated to hadron spectroscopy, where the focus is directed to the search for exotic mesons and gluonic excitations. The production of such states is known to be favoured in...
Melahat Bayar
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We have performed a calculation of the scattering amplitude for the three body
system $\bar{K}NN$ assuming $\bar{K}$ scattering against a $NN$ cluster, using
the Fixed Center approximation to the Faddeev equations. The $\bar{K}N$ amplitudes,
which we take from chiral unitary dynamics, govern the reaction and we find a $\bar{K}NN$
amplitude that peaks around 30-40 MeV below the...
Jürgen Diefenbach
(Universität Mainz)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
Measurements of the ratio of the electric and magnetic form factors of
the proton yield different results when using the Rosenbluth or polarization transfer technique. This discrepancy has possibly been
explained by two photon exchange that is not accounted for in the Born
approximation. The OLYMPUS experiment will measure the ratio of the
cross sections of elastic $e^-p$ and $e^+p$...
Sergey Sukhoruchkin
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
The pion play an important in recent theoretical models including the
Effective Field Theory and the Constituent Quark Model with Goldstoune
Exchange Interaction. Nucleon interactions within nuclei are considered as
a result of one- and many-pion exchange.
The role of tensor forces connected with the pion exchange in the description
of nuclear binding energies and nuclear excitations was...
Miguel Albaladejo
(U. Murcia)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We calculate the sigma or f0(600) meson scalar form factor, i.e., its interaction with a scalar source. We make use of the knowledge that the sigma meson appears as a pole in pion-pion scattering. NLO Chiral lagrangians are used to calculate the interaction. Knowing the scalar form factor, we try to determine the scalar radius of the sigma meson.
Wolfgang Lucha
(HEPHY Vienna Austria)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We show that the effective continuum threshold - one of the key parameters of the method of Borel sum rules for the calculation of properties of an isolated bound-state - is a complicated quantity. Although a constant approximation for the effective threshold is commonly used in the analysis of hadron observables within sum rules in QCD, the effective threshold in fact depends on the Borel...
Eliecer Hernandez-Gajate
(University of Salamanca)
6/14/11, 6:20 PM
We evaluate the weak decays of doubly-charmed baryons.
We work in momentum space using the variational wave functions obtained in ref.[1]. We check our model results against heavy quark symmetry constraints.
[1] C. Albertus et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 32, 183 (2007)
Mikko Laine
(Universität Bielefeld)
6/15/11, 9:00 AM
Some of the modifications that a thermal medium, of the type generated in heavy ion collision experiments at the LHC, may impose on the properties of hadrons, are reviewed. The focus will be on hadrons including at least one heavy quark (c or b).
Ilya Selyuzhenkov
6/15/11, 9:30 AM
A new era has started in the field of relativistic heavy ion physics with lead beams delivered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in November 2010. In this talk I will highlight main results from experimental measurements with Pb-Pb collisions at the incident energy of 2.76 TeV/nucleon recorded by LHC experiments. Recent experimental developments from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)...
Andreas Juettner
6/15/11, 10:00 AM
We review lattice results relevant for pion and kaon physics with the aim of making them easily accessible to the particle physics community. We introduce quality criteria and use these when forming averages. Although subjective and imperfect, these criteria may help the phenomenologist to judge different aspects of current lattice computations.
Antonio Vairo
(Technische Universität München)
6/15/11, 10:30 AM
I will review some recent progress in our understanding of quarkonium at zero and finite temperature underlining the common theoretical framework that is at its basis.
Nuno Leonardo
(Purdue University)
6/15/11, 11:30 AM
A new era of precision studies of the bottomonium family of states in hadron collisions, both proton-proton and heavy-ion, has opened up with the advent of the LHC. I present the first, already fully significant set of results from the LHC experiments, based on the initial LHC runs, and the prospects of forthcoming studies.
Hai-Bo Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
6/15/11, 12:00 PM
The BESIII experiment had taken about 106 million psi(2S), 230 million J/psi events in 2009, and 0.92 fb-1 integrated lumimosity on psi(3770) peak for D physics in 2010. We are still collecting data at the psi(3770) this year, in this summer, we will have another 2.2 fb-1. The total luminosity on psi(3770) peak will be 3.1 fb-1, which is about four times of that at CLEO-c.
The BESIII will...
Burkhard Kämpfer
(Technische Universität Dresden)
6/15/11, 12:30 PM
The talk addresses (i) the relation of QCD condensates and hadron
spectral functions and their modifications in nuclear matter within
QCD sum rules, and (ii) a hadronic transport-model description of
the observed broadening of vector mesons traversing nuclei.
6/15/11, 1:00 PM
J-PARC was almost competed in early 2009 and started the operational era. Nuclear and particle physics experiments are carried out in the Hadron Facility, one of three experimental facilities in J-PARC, using high-intensity secondary beams such as kaons, pions etc produced from 30 GeV proton beam. K1.8 beamline, one of four beamlines available in 2010, delivers mass separated charged particle...
Simon Eidelman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
6/16/11, 9:00 AM
We review the status of so called X, Y, Z states - charmonium-like states with many unusual properties observed in various experiments. Recent results of their studies at BaBar, Belle, Tevatron and LHC are discussed.
Roxanne Springer
(Duke University)
6/16/11, 9:30 AM
I briefly review the theory landscape for addressing the X,Y, and Z
states, then discuss effective field theories for the X(3872), including
the molecular hypothesis that takes advantage of the universal properties
of states with large scattering lengths, emphasizing results
that may clarify the character of the X(3872)
Hal Evans
(Indiana University)
6/16/11, 10:00 AM
The early period of data taking at the LHC has been a very fruitful
time for studies of heavy flavor production. The four large
experiments - ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb - have all made interesting
measurements of charm and beauty production that are being compared to
state-of-the-art predictions. First observations of new heavy flavor
hadron decay modes are also emerging. I will review...
Tetsuo Hyodo
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
6/16/11, 10:30 AM
Meson-baryon interactions are the fundamental building blocks to study baryon resonances and meson properties in few-body nuclear systems. We discuss the recent progress in the investigation of meson-baryon interaction in S=-1 sector and the structure of the Lambda(1405) resonance. In particular, we present a realistic KbarN-piSigma interaction in chiral dynamics constrained by the precise...
Thomas Kuhr
(Universität Karlsruhe)
6/16/11, 12:00 PM
While heavy-flavored mesons are a well-established laboratory for studying and testing QCD, much less is known about heavy-flavored baryons. In this talk the latest Tevatron results on heavy baryons are presented. These include an updated measurement of Sigma_b baryons, a Lambda_b branching ratio measurement, and a high-statistics study of charm baryons.
Javier Vijande
(Univ. Valencia)
6/16/11, 2:30 PM
We perform a systematic analysis of doubly charmed exotic states
as meson-meson molecules [1]. We compare our results with those previously
obtained within the hyperspherical harmonic formalism[2]. Several relevant conclusions
have to be emphasized. First of all, the conclusive existence of a stable
isoscalar doubly charmed meson with quantum numbers $(I)J^P=(0)1^+$.
This state could be...
Peter Krizan
(University of Ljubljana)
6/16/11, 2:30 PM
The talk discusses future experiments in hadron spectroscopy. It presents the physics motivation and the tools,
accelerators and detectors, and reviews the status of the relevant projects, Belle-II/SuperKEKB at KEK, SuperB in Italy,
PANDA at FAIR, and CLAS12 and GlueX at JLAB.
Dennis Weygand
(Jefferson Laboratory)
6/16/11, 2:30 PM
The g12 experimental period (April - June 2008) at the CEBAF Large Angle Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Laboratory was a high-luminosity photon run at the highest CEBAF
energies. A tagged bremsstrahlung beam was available between 1.2 and 5.7 GeV with a raw integrated luminosity of 68 pb$^{-1}$, 27 pb$^{-1}$ in the high energy range greater than 4.4 GeV. The principal aim of the experiment...
Simon Sirca
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana)
6/16/11, 2:30 PM
We present a method to calculate pion scattering and
electro-production amplitudes in a coupled-channel framework
incorporating quasi-bound quark-model states. All relevant
low-lying nucleon resonances in the P33, P11, and S11 partial waves
have been covered, including the Delta(1232), the N*(1440) and,
most recently, the negative-parity resonances N*(1535) and
N*(1650). The...
Sören Lange
(Universität Giessen)
6/16/11, 2:55 PM
We present the results of recent charmonium studies with the
Belle experiment. These studies include the determination of
eta_c and eta_c(2S) parameters in B decays and new results on
X(3872), including its radiative decays, mass and width
determination, angular analysis for its quantum number determination.
Victor Mokeev
(Jefferson Lab)
6/16/11, 2:55 PM
Studies of nucleon resonance electrocouplings for excited proton states at various photon virtualities Q2 represent an important part in the N* Program with the CLAS detector [1]. The CLAS measurements
extend the data on differential cross sections for N\pi and N\eta
electroproduction channels, longitudinally polarized beam/beam-target asymmetries for \pi electroproduction off protons...
J.H. Lee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
6/16/11, 2:55 PM
Nuclei and nucleons probed in DIS and diffractive processes in the
high-energy (low-x) regime open a new precision window into fundamental
questions in QCD. The proposed Electron-Ion Collider at BNL (eRHIC) is
a new high-energy and high-luminosity polarized electron-ion/polarized proton machine. The proposed design provides unprecedented access to study deeply the nature of QCD matter...
Chaden Djalali
(University of South Carolina)
6/16/11, 3:00 PM
Recent studies of light vector meson production in heavy nuclear targets
has generated interest in ρ-ω interference in the leptonic decay channel. An
experimental study of the elementary process provides valuable input for
theoretical models and calculations. In experiment E04-005, high statistics
photoproduction data has been taken in Jefferson Lab’s CLAS detector with
tagged photon...
Valentina Santoro
(INFN Ferrara)
6/16/11, 3:15 PM
We present a search for the X(3872) produced in B-->psi pi+pi- K and
B-->psi pi+pi-pi0 K (psi=J/psi or psi(2S)) using 427 fb-1 of BaBar data. We present updated mass and width measurements for the Y(4260)--> J/psi pi+pi- produced in Initial State Radiation events using 454 fb-1 of data. We report the study of the B meson decays B+--> J/psi phi K+ and B0--> J/psi phi K_S, and of charged...
Masayuki Niiyama
(Kyoto Univ.)
6/16/11, 3:15 PM
The construction of a new backward Compton gamma ray beam line at SPring-8 in Japan, LEPS2, has been started from the year 2010. The new beam line will provide a
highly polarized photon beam up to 3 GeV with 10 times higher intensity than that
of LEPS1 facility.
We will construct a 4$\pi$ detector which can detect both of charged particles and
photons. The photon beam will be...
Ki-Seok Choi
(Graz Univ)
6/16/11, 3:20 PM
We present covariant predictions for all electromagnetic and axial form factors of baryon ground states with flavors up, down, and strange, as calculated from the relativistic constituent quark model with Goldstone-boson-exchange hyperfine interactions. In addition we give the theoretical values for electric radii, magnetic moments, and axial charges. In all cases, where a comparison to...
Zhi-Hui Guo
(Universidad de Murcia)
6/16/11, 3:20 PM
We first present the full one-loop calculation of meson-meson scattering in the framework of U(3) chiral perturbation theory with explicit resonance states in the Lagrangian. After the partial wave projection and resummation of the unitarity loops, we fit our theoretical formulas to the data to fix the free parameters and then calculate the resonance pole positions and residues, such as...
David Rodriguez Entem
(University of Salamanca)
6/16/11, 3:35 PM
The discovery of the $J/\psi$ meson in 1974 was the experimental confirmation of the existence of the charmed quark introduced theoretically in 1970 by Glashow, Iliopoulus and Maiani to explain the cancellation of loop diagrams in $K^0$ weak decays. Consisting of a charmed $c$ quark and a $\bar c$ antiquark the $J/\psi$ particle became the starting point of a whole family of bound states...
Igor Senderovich
(University of Connecticut)
6/16/11, 3:35 PM
The GlueX experiment will employ a linearly polarized 9GeV tagged photon beam incident on a liquid hydrogen target to search for exotic states in the light meson spectrum. Optimized for this purpose, the detector has a highly uniform acceptance over nearly 4\pi solid angle, with high efficiency for both neutral and charged final state particles. An overview of the physics motivation and...
Jenifer Nebreda
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
6/16/11, 3:40 PM
We report on our recent results [1] in the study of the chiral extrapolation of the phase-shifts in elastic pion-pion scattering, using both standard and unitarized ChPT to one and two loops. In the standard ChPT approach, limited to low momenta, we study the S, P and D waves. For the vector phase shift we find a behavior that would seemingly contradict the results of lattice and other...
Bo Liu
(Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University)
6/16/11, 4:30 PM
The last ten years have seen a resurgence of interest in exotic spectroscopy driven by the discovery of the X(3872) in the J/ψππ spectrum. Searches and studies of exotic quarkonia form an important part of LHCb's physics programme. We present results for the production of ψ(2S) and χc(1,2) in the dimuon plus pions or photon channels, as well as the first results for X(3872) production using...
Paolo Bellan
(Univ. di Padova e Sez. dell'INFN)
6/16/11, 4:30 PM
Measurements performed by the CMS experiment of the cross section for inclusive b-quark production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV are presented. The measurements are based on different methods, such as inclusive jet measurements with secondary vertex tagging or selecting a sample of events containing jets and at least one muon, where the transverse momentum of the muon with...
Daisuke Jido
(Kyoto University)
6/16/11, 4:30 PM
I would like to discuss pseudoscalar mesons, especially pion, in a context of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium. First of all, I show a general relation between the in-medium quark condensate and hadronic quantities in nuclear medium. With this relation, we can confirm that partial restoration of chiral symmetry takes place in nuclei based on experimental observations of...
Craig Bookwalter
(Florida State University)
6/16/11, 4:30 PM
\par In addition to ordinary $q\bar{q}$ pairs, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) permits many other possibilities in meson spectra, such as gluonic hybrids, glueballs, and tetraquarks.
Experimental discovery and study of these exotic states provides insight on the nonperturbative regime of QCD.
Over the past twenty years, some searches for exotic mesons have met with controversial results,...
Satoru Hirenzaki
(Nara Women's University)
6/16/11, 4:50 PM
The study of the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry and its partial restoration at finite density based on the studies of the Mesic Atoms and Mesic Nuclei is one of the important branch of modern Hadron Nuclear Physics [1,2]. We try to proceed this research field to investigate the U_A(1) anomaly effects in the nuclear medium by
studying the eta'(958) Mesic nuclei. The present...
Hans-Christian Kaestli
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
6/16/11, 4:50 PM
Measurements of the total and single differential cross sections for B+, B0, Bs mesons and Lambda_b baryons produced in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=7 TeV are presented. The results are compared with predictions based on perturbative QCD calculations at leading and next-to-leading order
Dmitry Ryabchikov
(Institute for High Energy Physics)
6/16/11, 4:50 PM
The Partial-Wave analysis of the reaction:
pi- Be -> pi-pi-pi+eta Be with E_beam = 28 GeV is performed
in full 4-body mesonic final state phase-space.
In the wide range of momentum transfer t' = 0.-1. GeV/c^2 the
dominance of diffractive-like (natural-parity exchange) mechanism is demonstrated.
The individual partial waves in f1(1285) pi-, eta'pi- and a2(1320) eta systems are...
Jian Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
6/16/11, 4:55 PM
A measurement of the ratio of $X(3872)$ and $\psi(2S)$ signal yields in $pp$ collisions at 7 TeV is presented, using data recorded at the CMS experiment in 2010 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36pb-1. The events are reconstructed decays into $J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-$ and subsequent decay of the $J/\psi$ candidates into two muons. The measured ratio is compared to theoretical expectations.
Christophorus Grab
(ETH Zürich)
6/16/11, 5:10 PM
A measurement of the angular correlations between beauty and anti-beauty hadrons produced in LHC pp collisions at sqrt{s}=7 TeV is presented, probing for the first time the small angular separation region. The B hadrons are identified by the presence of secondary vertices from their decays and their kinematics reconstructed combining the decay vertex with the primary interaction vertex. The...
Alessandro Feliciello
(INFN - Sezione di Torino)
6/16/11, 5:10 PM
The SuperB factory, whose construction was recently approved by the Italian government, is an asymmetric heavy flavour factory where e+, e- beams will collide with a peak luminosity in excess of 10^36 cm-2 s-1 at the Y(4S) resonance c.m. energy. The Y(4S) then decays in BBbar meson pair with a B.R. > 96%, thus allowing, among other topics, a systematic study of B-meson decays.
While for...
Tobias Schlüter
(LMU Munich)
6/16/11, 5:10 PM
From COMPASS 2008 data a sample of 40,000 events of the type $\pi^-p\to\eta'(\to\eta(\gamma\gamma)\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^-p_{\textrm{slow}}$ with $-t>0.1\,\textrm{GeV}^2/c^2$ was selected for a partial-wave analysis. Monte Carlo simulations display a smooth dependence of the acceptance on kinematic variables. Study of the alternative final state with $\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi0(\gamma\gamma)$ provides a...
Frederick Kramer
(IKF Uni Frankfurt)
6/16/11, 5:20 PM
ALICE is the dedicated heavy-ion physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is designed to provide excellent capabilities to study the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), the deconfined state of strongly-interacting matter, in the highest energy density regime opened up by the LHC. Quarkonia, bound states of heavy (charm or bottom) quarks such as the J/ψ, are crucial probes of the QGP in...
Michaela Thiel
(II. Physikalisches Institut, JLU Giessen)
6/16/11, 5:30 PM
Using the CrystalBall/TAPS photon spectrometer at MAMI Mainz the omega photoproduction off nuclei (C, Nb) and off the proton (LH2) were studied via the hadronic decay channel
gamma + A -> omega + X -> pi0 gamma + X. The aim of this work is to investigate whether the properties of the omega meson are modified within normal nuclear matter. Two different experimental approaches have been used:...
Bachir Moussallam
(IPN Orsay)
6/16/11, 5:30 PM
Some properties of the scalar mesons sigma(600) and f0(980) are
discussed using the Roy integral equations to control continuations in the complex energy plane.
On the real axis, firstly, high precision numerical solutions of the equations are constructed for energies up to the K-Kbar threshold.
Fits to the data by such solutions are performed and constrained by the recent measurements of...
Artur Ukleja
(Andrzej Zoltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw)
6/16/11, 5:30 PM
The data collected by LHCb in 2010 have been used to study the production of
charm and beauty hadrons in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. Differential
cross-sections will be presented and compared with theoretical predictions.
Results will also be shown on production asymmetries, and the relative fractions
of B_s and Lambda_b production. If available, updates will also be shown using
2011 data.
Takayasu Sekihara
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
6/16/11, 5:50 PM
The internal structure of the resonant Lambda(1405) state is
investigated based on meson-baryon coupled-channels chiral dynamics,
by evaluating density distributions obtained from form factors of
the Lambda(1405) state. The form factors and the density distributions
are defined as an extension of the ordinary stable particles and
are directly evaluated from the meson-baryon scattering...
Gurjav Ganbold
(Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
6/16/11, 5:50 PM
The spectroscopy of light- and heavy-quark mesons as well as the lowest-state glueball state are investigated within a relativistic quantum-field model based on analytical confinement. Ladder Bethe-Salpeter-type equations are derived to define the spectra of quark-antiquark and two-gluon bound states. We provide a new analytic estimate of the lowest-state glueball mass and calculate spectra...
Jorge Segovia
(Universidad de Salamanca)
6/16/11, 5:50 PM
Accuracy on the measurement of the Cabbibo - Kobayashi - Maskawa matrix elements demands a detailed knowledge of semileptonic decays of b -hadrons. In particular, decays involving orbitally excited c-mesons provide an important contribution to the total semileptonic width. Therefore, a better understanding of these processes will reduce the uncertainties in the above mentioned matrix elements....
Michael Döring
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
6/17/11, 9:00 AM
Recently, eta photoproduction on the neutron has received intense experimental interest at GRAAL, ELSA and MAMI due to the appearance of a sharp structure at around W=1670 MeV. We show that this peak can be explained conventionally within coupled channels chiral dynamics. Also, predictions for the I^s and I^c and other polarization observables in the related gamma p --> pi0 eta p reaction,...
Evgeny Solodov
(Budker INP)
6/17/11, 9:00 AM
Regular data taking is going on in Novosibirsk at VEPP2000 e+e- collider. Two new (or significantly modified) detectors a in operation at two available interaction region. Luminosity up to 10**31 has been reached so far, limited by positron source.
First 1-2 GeV c.m. energy scan has been performed and first preliminary results on e+e- -> hadrons, barions
are demonstrated by two detector teams.
Marek Karliner
(Tel Aviv University)
6/17/11, 9:00 AM
discuss several highly accurate theoretical predictions for masses
of baryons containing the b quark which have been recently confirmed
by experimental data. I point out that proper treatment of the
color-magnetic hyperfine interaction in QCD is crucial for obtaining these
results. Several yet untested predictions are given for additional
properties of heavy baryons. The same approach...
Germano Bonomi
(University of Brescia and INFN Pavia)
6/17/11, 9:00 AM
The creation of a hypernucleus requires the injection of strangeness into the nucleus. This is possible in different ways, mainly using a π+ or a K− beam on fixed targets. A complete review of hypernuclei production by K- at rest will be presented. When a K- stops inside a nucleus it can undergo the so called "strangeness-exchange reaction", in which a neutron is replaced by a Lambda with the...
Florian Haas
(Physik-Department E18 Technische Universität München)
6/17/11, 9:20 AM
Diffractive dissociation reactions studied at the COMPASS experiment, CERN, provide access to the light meson spectrum. During a pilot run in 2004, using a pion beam and a lead target, 500k events of pi- pi- pi+ final state events with masses below 2.5 GeV/c^2 were recorded, yielding a significant signal for the p1(1600) spin-exotic resonance. After a significant upgrade of the spectrometer in...
Hiroyuki Fujioka
(Kyoto University)
6/17/11, 9:25 AM
A pseudoscalar meson may be bound in a nucleus, if the interaction between the meson and the nucleon is attractive enough. In particular, the possible existence of kaonic nuclei attracts both experimentalists and theorists in these days. Two experimental groups, FINUDA and DISTO, claim the observation of K-pp bound states in different reactions, although hot debate with regard to the existence...
Alvaro Calle Cordon
(Jefferson Lab)
6/17/11, 9:25 AM
In analogy with atomic physics and using the quiral quark model we derive a Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) potential in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation at second order in perturbation theory where the
$\Delta$ resonance is included implicitly [1,2]. This NN potential
turns out to be singular at short distances with a van der Waals like
behavior and hence needs to be renormalized. In fact, the...
Chu-Wen XIAO
(Departamento de Fisica Teorica and IFIC, Universidad de Valencia)
6/17/11, 9:30 AM
In this work, we show our recent theoretical results for three-body systems in the charm sector which are made of three hadrons and contain one nucleon, one D meson and in addition another meson, Dbar, K or Kbar. The Fixed Center Approximation to the Faddeev equations was used, in which we take a cluster of two particles and allow the third one to interact with either of the constituents of...
Frank Nerling
(University of Freiburg)
6/17/11, 9:40 AM
The COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS features charged particle tracking as well as good coverage by electromagnetic calorimetry, and our data provide excellent opportunity for simultaneous observation of new states in different decay modes in the same experiment. The existence of the spin-exotic $\pi_1(1600)$ resonance in the $\rho\pi$ decay channel is studied for the first time in COMPASS in...
Hua-Xing Chen
(IFIC, Valencia University)
6/17/11, 9:45 AM
We report on a theoretical study of the pp \to p Lambda K+ and pp \to p Sigma0 K+ reactions near threshold using a chiral dynamical approach. The production process is described by single-pion and single-kaon exchange. The final state interactions of nucleon-hyperon, K-hyperon and K-nucleon systems are also taken into account. We show that our model leads to a fairly good description of the...
Carlo Schiavi
(INFN Genova)
6/17/11, 9:50 AM
ATLAS has studied heavy flavor production and measured the production cross sections of heavy quarkonia, open bottom and charm. Differential cross sections as a function of transverse momentum and pseudorapidity will be presented. ATLAS capabilities to reconstruct heavy quarkonium states, D-mesons and B-hadrons in exclusive decay modes will be demonstrated.
Michael Weber
(University of Houston, Texas, USA)
6/17/11, 9:50 AM
Recently the HADES collaboration has extended its physics program from heavy ion collisions to proton induced reactions in order to investigate cold nuclear matter effects. Therefore we did two experiments, p+p and p+Nb, focusing on the modification of the spectral function in the rho/omega meson invariant mass region.
Compared to previous measurements the high acceptance of the HADES...
Luis Roca
(University of Murcia)
6/17/11, 10:00 AM
In previous works regarding the interaction of two vector mesons using the techniques of the chiral unitary approach, it was shown that the vector-vector interaction in s-wave with spins aligned is very strong both for rho-rho and K*-rho to the point to get dynamically the f2(1270) and K*2(1430) resonances. In the work presented in this talk we use the rho-rho and rho-K* interaction in spin 2...
Stefanie Grabmüller
(TU München)
6/17/11, 10:05 AM
COMPASS is a multi-purpose fixed-target experiment at CERN SPS, that investigates the structure and spectroscopy of hadrons. Dissociation of pions on nuclear or hydrogen targets provides clean access to the light meson spectrum. During a short run with 190 GeV/c pi- beam on lead in the year 2004, about 4 million exclusive pi-pi-pi+ events have been collected. For the 3 million events with low...
Kirill Lapidus
(Excellence Cluster "Universe")
6/17/11, 10:10 AM
Kaon interaction with baryonic matter is characterized by a repulsive potential according to common belief.
However, the values of the measured potential are not yet consistent with each other.
We analyze the kaon in-medium behavior employing $K^{0}_{S}$'s identified with the HADES detector in p+p and p+Nb collisions at 3.5 GeV kinetic beam energy. The comparison of the $K^{0}_{S}$...
Joseph Day
(University of Graz)
6/17/11, 10:15 AM
We report first results from a study of heavy-baryon spectroscopy within a relativistic constituent-quark model whose hyperfine interaction is based on Goldstone-boson-exchange dynamics. While for light-flavor constituent quarks it is now commonly accepted that the effective Q-Q interaction is (predominantly) furnished by Goldstone-boson exchange, due to spontaneous chiral-symmetry breaking of...
Hideko Nagahiro
(Nara Women's University)
6/17/11, 10:20 AM
We propose a practical method to clarify the mixing nature of hadrons consisting of multiple components having different origins, by demonstrating an analysis of the a1(1260) meson [1].
One of recent interests in hadron structure is whether hadrons are made up of quarks as described in the conventional quark model, or develop subcomponents of quark-clusters inside. One good example is...
Dmitry Ryabchikov
(Institute for High Energy Physics)
6/17/11, 10:25 AM
The reaction pi-Pb->pi-pi-pi+Pb with E_beam = 190 GeV
is studied in great detail by Partial-Wave analysis methods.
The low momentum transfer region t' < 0.01 GeV/c^2 shows the dominance of
coherent diffraction production mechanism and also clear contribution of Coulomb production.
For several M=1 amplitudes the intensities as functions of t'
demonstrate very sharp peaks near...
(University of New Mexico, USA)
6/17/11, 10:35 AM
Using the data collected with the CDF and DZERO detectors running at
the Tevatron the measurements of the charm and bottom hadrons will be
presented. We will talk in details about recent CDF measurements of
heavy baryon properties of charmed Sigma_c and Lambda_c* and of their
bottom partners, Sigma_b. The CDF results on exotic Y(4140) state will
be discussed. The new production...
Hongwei LIU
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
6/17/11, 10:40 AM
With samples of 220 million $J/\psi$ events and 110 million $\psi^\prime$ events collected in the BESIII detector, $p\bar{p}$ mass threshold enhancement is studied. The enhancement is evident in $J/\psi$ radiative decay, which is consistent with BESII result. No significant narrow enhancement is observed in $\psi^\prime$ radiative decay. For $J/\psi\rightarrow\gamma\pi^+\pi^-\eta^\prime$...
Mauro Piccini
(University of Perugia)
6/17/11, 10:40 AM
The NA48/2 collaboration has accumulated ~45000 semi-leptonic K charged
decays to pi0 pi0 e+- neutrino (Ke400), increasing the world available
statistics by more than two orders of magnitude. Low background contamination
and very good pi0 reconstruction bring the first precise measurement of the
Branching Fraction and decay Form Factor at the percent level.
Concurrently, more than one...
Hirokazu Tamura
(Tohoku University)
6/17/11, 11:30 AM
In these 20 years, hypernuclear physics has been developed at KEK-PS, BNL-AGS and JLab-CEBAF. Now a new falicity, J-PARC, has started operation. Here I will review the progress of hyupernuclear physics in this period. The most important achievements are (1) the establishment of the (pi,K+) reaction spectroscopy at KEK using a large spectrometer called SKS, which includes neutron-rich Lambda...
Piotr Salabura
(Jagiellonian University in Krakow)
6/17/11, 12:00 PM
Hadron modifications in hot and/or dense nuclear matter have been predicted by many model calculations. They are commonly discussed in scenarios of chiral symmetry restoration or hadronic many body effects (for recent review see [1]). Experiments with photon, proton and heavy ion beams are used to probe hadron properties in nuclear matter of various forms: from cold nucleus to hot and...
Thierry Lasserre
(AstroParticule et Cosmologie Paris)
6/17/11, 12:30 PM
We will review the current status of experimental neutrino physics. Search for the determination of neutrino masses and oscillation parameters with terrestrial and extra-terrestrial sources will be discussed in the light of the most recent data. The anomalies discovered at accelerator, solar (calibration), reactor neutrino experiments will be presented. The interpretation of these...
Lars Schmitt
6/17/11, 2:30 PM
In this presentation the hadron physics programme
in preparation at FAIR is presented. After an
introduction to FAIR and PANDA the main topics
of PANDA in hadron spectroscopy and hadron structure
are discussed. In an outlook future topics beyond
PANDA are shown.
Boris Shwartz
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
6/17/11, 2:55 PM
In the end of June 2010, the Belle project completed its operation after 10 years of experiments and collection of more than 1000 fb-1 of integrated luminosity at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. The energy range of this experiment comprised the area of upsilon meson family. The world highest luminosity of the collider, 2*10^34cm-2s-1, as well as high quality and performance of the...