J.H. Lee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Nuclei and nucleons probed in DIS and diffractive processes in the
high-energy (low-x) regime open a new precision window into fundamental
questions in QCD. The proposed Electron-Ion Collider at BNL (eRHIC) is
a new high-energy and high-luminosity polarized electron-ion/polarized proton machine. The proposed design provides unprecedented access to study deeply the nature of QCD matter and strong color fields. In particular, the new collider will allow us to reach and explore the regime where the gluon density saturates, one of the fundamental outstanding problems in QCD, and test the validity of the Color Glass Condensate approach. We will outline the compelling physics case for eRHIC focusing on e+A collisions and discuss briefly the status of the machine design.
Primary author
J.H. Lee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)